The coefficient of variation (COV) for each grid is calculated as

The coefficient of variation (COV) for each grid is calculated as 100×standarddeviationmean to evaluate seasonal and interannual SST stability, which increases with decreasing COV for each grid. The monthly and interannual effects of various atmospheric parameters, i.e. NAOI, SLP, P, TCC, τax, τay and T2m, and of air-sea heat fluxes on SST variability are studied using the correlation coefficient (R) and number of observations

(n). All correlation coefficients have been tested for significance at the 95% level; however, the t-test is used to examine the significance (at 95%) of all the linear trends. τax and τay are calculated using a standard bulk formula: τax=ρaCDUW,τay=ρaCDVW, where ρa (1.3 kg m− 3) is the air density, CD is the

air drag coefficient, U and V are the wind components in the x and y directions, respectively, and FDA-approved Drug Library mw W is the wind speed. The KRX-0401 manufacturer air drag coefficient is calculated in its non-linear form ( Large & Pond 1981), modified for low wind speeds as in Trenberth et al. (1990): CD=0.00218forW≤1ms−1,CD=0.62+1.56/W0.001for1ms−110ms−1.. Following, for example, Omstedt (2011), air-sea heat fluxes can be expressed by the net heat loss from the sea Fn and solar radiation to the open water surface Fos, where Fn is the sum of sensible heat flux (Fh),latent heat flux (Fe) and net long-wave radiation (Fl). The study area is treated as 10 sub-basins. ASK1 The Mediterranean Sea is divided into eight sub-basins, i.e. the Alboran, Algerian, Tyrrhenian, LPC, Ionian, Levantine, Aegean and Adriatic sub-basins, together with the Black Sea and the AAM sub-basin. The SST results obtained using the ensemble mean of the four CMIP5 future scenarios for the 2000–2012 period

together with historical CMIP5 results for the 1982–1999 period were tested using AVHRR SST data. Direct monthly and annual biases (i.e. CMIP5 ensemble mean minus AVHRR) were used to evaluate the accuracy of the CMIP5 over the 1982–2012 period. The CMIP5 ensemble mean was calculated based on 24 global climate models computed at KNMI ( The 30-year running average SST over the 21st century was calculated to illustrate future trends and uncertainties based on the four CMIP5 scenarios used. This evaluates the most important factor affecting the projected SST at the end of this century, including its seasonal, regional and emissions variations. The Mediterranean SST and the seasonal and annual climatology-averaged SST of the Mediterranean’s adjacent regions will be used to describe the SST dynamics. The annual average Mediterranean SST is calculated to be 19.7 ± 1.3 °C (Figure 2a). The much warmer water, calculated on the basis of two standard deviations from the mean (> 22.4 °C), occurred over only 0.

This time-extension of the previously obtained static receptive f

This time-extension of the previously obtained static receptive fields increase the input selectivity of each hidden unit. Consequently, each hidden unit is activated in a highly sparse manner by only specific spatio-temporal input scenarios. We have introduced a new training method for TRBMs called Temporal Autoencoding and validated it by showing a significant performance increase in modelling and generation from a sequential human motion capture dataset (Fig. 7). The gain in performance from the standard TRBM to the pre-trained aTRBM model, which are both structurally identical, suggests that our approach of

autoencoding the temporal dependencies gives the model a more meaningful temporal representation than is achievable through contrastive divergence training alone. We believe the inclusion of autoencoder training in temporal learning tasks will be beneficial selleck chemicals in a number of problems, as it enforces the causal structure of the data on the learned model. selleck We have shown that the aTRBM is able to learn high level structure from natural

movies and account for the transformation of these features over time. The statistics of the static filters resemble those learned by other algorithms, namely Gabor like patches showing preferential orientation of the filters along cardinal directions (Fig. 2). The distribution of preferred position, orientation and frequency (Fig. 3) is in accordance with results previously found by other methods (e.g. Cadieu and Olshausen, 2008 and Bell and Sejnowski, 1997), and the simple cell like receptive fields and cardinal selectivity many is supported by neurophysiological findings in primary visual cortex (Wang et al., 2003 and Coppola et al., 1998). Importantly the temporal connectivity expressed in the weights WMWM learned by the model is also qualitatively

similar to the pattern of lateral connections in this brain area. Preferential connection between orientation-selective cells in V1 with similar orientation has been reported in higher mammals (Bosking et al., 1997, Field and Hayes, 2004 and Van Hooser, 2007). These lateral connections are usually thought to underlie contour integration in the visual system. Here they arise directly from training the aTRBM model to reproduce the natural dynamics of smoothly changing image sequences. One could say that, in an unsupervised fashion, the model learns to integrate contours directly from the dataset. The aTRBM presented here can be easily embedded into a deep architecture, using the same training procedure in a greedy layer-wise fashion. This might allow us to study the dynamics of higher-order features (i.e. higher order receptive fields) in the same fashion as was done here for simple visual features. In this way one could envisage applications of our approach to pattern recognition and temporal tasks, such as object tracking or image stabilization.

The relations between the aerosol optical thickness AOT(500) and

The relations between the aerosol optical thickness AOT(500) and the Ångström exponent α(440, 870)

for spring, Enzalutamide clinical trial summer and autumn are shown in Figure 5. This visual representation often allows one to define physically interpretable cluster regions for different types of aerosols with different optical properties ( El-Metwally et al. 2008). Figure 5 shows that the cases of exceptionally high aerosol load (AOT(500) > 0.500) observed in summer and autumn 2002 are typically associated with a high Ångström exponent (> 1.4). Moreover, α(440, 870) is then almost independent of AOT(500). This rules out the possible impact of thin clouds on aerosol optical thickness in such cases. The Ångström exponent is within the range typical of biomass burning and urban-industrial

aerosols ( Dubovik et al. 2002), which confirms the advective origin of the aerosol in these cases. The dependence of aerosol optical properties over the Baltic region on air mass movements was observed by previous researchers. For example, Smirnov et al. (1995) measured aerosol optical thickness BMS-387032 nmr AOT(550) of 0.46 and 0.09 and an Ångström exponent of 1.14 and 0.99 for cases of continental Polar and maritime Arctic types of air mass over the Baltic Sea, respectively. For modified maritime Polar air reaching the Baltic region after passing the British Isles and Scandinavia, AOT(550) and α(460, 1016) were respectively equal to 0.45 and 1.37. The next step in this work was to examine the influence of wind direction and wind speed on the optical properties of Baltic

aerosols, i.e. AOT(500) and α(440, 870). For this, we used the wind directions measured at the Fårosund meteorological station. In order to determine the influence of meteorological factors on the aerosol optical properties the dataset for aerosol optical thickness was divided with respect to wind direction into northerly (315°–45°), easterly (45°–135°), southerly (135°–225°) and westerly (225°–315°) Masitinib (AB1010) wind sectors. Aerosol emissions from the surface of the Baltic Sea depend on wind speed. For wind speeds < 6 m s−1 an increase in aerosol particle concentration due to increasing wind speed is usually connected with biological and chemical processes occurring at sea. For wind speeds Vw > 6 m s−1 dynamic processes, such as breaking waves, begin to dominate aerosol generation from the sea surface ( Zieliński 2006). There are only a small number of data with high wind speeds in the Gotland dataset from which the crucial generation of seaborne aerosol occurs, i.e. Vw ≥ 10 m s−1 ( Petelski 2003). The dataset with Vw ≤ 6 m s−1 constituted 66%, 58% and 55% of all the data in spring, summer and autumn respectively. The number of observations, divided into season and wind direction, is shown in Table 3. An example of the seasonal dependence of aerosol optical thickness for λ = 500 nm on wind velocity is shown in Figure 6 for westerly winds in summer.

Poor water quality and excessive algal growth in some areas hampe

Poor water quality and excessive algal growth in some areas hampered recovery even when coral larvae were available ( Goreau, 1998). For an overview of best practices for the management of dredging operations near coral reefs, reference is made to the recent PIANC report No. 108

(PIANC, 2010). Setting realistic and ecologically meaningful thresholds for model interrogation, as permit conditions to dredging contractors and for use as triggers in a reactive monitoring and management program, can BMS-387032 nmr be a challenge in coral reef environments. One of the problems encountered when trying to determine realistic thresholds for dredging near coral reefs includes a lack of knowledge, since only 10% of coral Palbociclib order species has ever been studied with respect to their response to sediment disturbance. There is still a rather poor understanding of the relationship between sediment stress and the response of most corals. While meaningful sets of thresholds or criteria would ideally have to incorporate the intensity, duration and frequency of turbidity (or sedimentation) events generated by the dredging activities, actual values are difficult to determine with confidence and at present remain little more than estimates.

In some cases, uncertainties in model predictions of dredging plumes and a conservative approach by regulators applying the precautionary principle may have led to overestimation of impacts of dredging operations on corals while field monitoring suggested less coral mortality than predicted (Hanley, 2011). In other cases, the opposite situation may have led to unnecessary and avoidable damage on coral reefs. To prevent coral mortality, there is clearly a need for reliable sublethal coral health indicators as early warning for stress but the science for this is still in its infancy (Jameson et al., 1998, Vargas-Angel et al., 2006, Cooper and Fabricius, Selleckchem MK-3475 2007 and Cooper et al., 2009). Such bio-indicators, some of which can show remarkable temporal dynamics in response

to variations in water quality (Cooper et al., 2008), require on-site validation before use in monitoring programs (Fichez et al., 2005). Recently, some significant advances have been made in establishing reactive (feedback) monitoring programs that have proven a meaningful tool for minimising coral mortality during large-scale dredging operations in Singapore and Australia (Koskela et al., 2002, Doorn-Groen, 2007 and Sofonia and Unsworth, 2010). The design of such monitoring programs should guarantee sufficient statistical power to detect a required effect size, which can be as much a challenge as the availability of suitable reference sites. Seasonal restrictions during mass coral spawning are sometimes placed on dredging programs, but the effectiveness of such mitigating measures on long-term coral reef resilience is not well understood.

evansi attacking tomato ( Humber et al , 1981 and Duarte et al ,

evansi attacking tomato ( Humber et al., 1981 and Duarte et al., 2009). This fungus develops inside spider mites as hyphal bodies, kills its hosts, sporulates and produces primary

conidia on conidiophores on the outside of the dead mite check details when conditions are favorable. Primary conidia are actively ejected from swollen brown desiccated cadavers, referred to as mummies. These conidia germinate to form the infective and more persistent capilliconidia that infects new mites ( Carner, 1976, Elliot, 1998 and Delalibera et al., 2006). It only takes one attached capilliconidium to produce a lethal infection ( Oduor et al., 1997), and capilliconidia attached to the mite body indicate a strong infection potential and hence click here a good estimate for the infection level ( Delalibera et al., 2000). Abiotic factors such as relative humidity, temperature, photoperiod and light intensity have been proven to affect production, germination and viability of fungal conidia of N. floridana ( Carner, 1976, Klingen and Nilsen, 2009, Castro et al., 2010, Wekesa et al., 2010a and Wekesa et al., 2010b). Also the use of pesticides are known

to affect this beneficial fungus ( Klingen and Westrum, 2007 and Wekesa et al., 2008). Although several factors are known to influence N. floridana, the role of host plants and their impact on the development of epizootics are largely unknown. In order to maximize the potential of fungal pathogens in the management of spider mites, it is therefore necessary to understand the effects of host plants on fungal efficacy. Phytochemical differences among host plants can determine their suitability to arthropod herbivores and susceptibility to entomopathogens which increases as host plant suitability decreases (Felton and Dahlman, 1984, Richter et al., 1987 and Hare, 1992). Insect- and mite pathogenic fungi are known to be affected 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase by the arthropod host plants through tritrophic-level interactions (Hajek and St. Leger, 1994). Hare (1992) suggested that pest control strategies that seek to decrease the suitability of crop plants for the growth and development of arthropod herbivores

should ensure compatibility with entomopathogens as the two strategies of pest control should be additive or synergistic. Several studies have established that host plants can alter susceptibility of arthropod pests to microbial pathogens and result to variation in efficacy for the pathogens used in their control (Hare and Andreadis, 1983, Ramoska and Todd, 1985, Benz, 1987 and Costa and Gaugler, 1989a). However, some studies showed no effect of host plants on susceptibility of invertebrate hosts to fungal pathogens (Costa and Gaugler, 1989a and Vidal et al., 1998) and these differences in results from various fungal-invertebrate-host plant systems shows that there is a need for more studies for possible effects on the variation of host plants on spider mites.

25% 1,10-phenanthroline (w/v) The absorbance was then measured a

25% 1,10-phenanthroline (w/v). The absorbance was then measured at 510 nm in a spectrophotometer. The percentages of viable and nonviable leukocytes in samples incubated (90 min) with the compounds (100 μM) were determined by Trypan blue following the method of Mischell and Shiigi (1980). Cell viability was calculated Docetaxel in vitro as the number of living cells divided by the total number of cells multiplied by 100 (Mischell and Shiigi, 1980). The protein concentration was estimated by the Bradford method using bovine serum albumin as the standard (Bradford, 1976). Individual dependent

variable data were analyzed statistically by one-way (TBARS, DPPH levels, phosphomolybdenum, Fe2+-chelating ability and cell viability) or two-way (thiol peroxidase, thiol oxidase and TrxR activity) analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by Duncan’s multiple range test when appropriate. Differences between groups were considered to be significant when p < 0.05.

Data are expressed as means ± SEM and each experimental procedure was performed in at least 4 individual experiments with 3 replicates each. The compound concentration Trametinib cost that causes 50% inhibition (IC50) and the maximal inhibition of compounds (Imax) was determined by linear regression analysis from 4 individual experiments, using Graph Pad Prism software. We induced lipid peroxidation in rat brain (Fig. 2) homogenates with Fe(II) (10 μM) and SNP (5 μM), and the antioxidant effect of selenium compounds on these homogenates was investigated. C1 had a protective effect against lipid peroxidation at the concentration range (25–50 μM), while the other compounds (C2, C3 and C4) demonstrated a significant effect from the lowest concentration tested (Fig. 2A). In SNP-induced rat brain homogenates, the monoselenides presented a significant antioxidant effect at the concentration range (12.5–50 μM) for C1 and (25–50 μM) for C2, while the diselenides showed

a significant effect at 6.25 μM (Fig. 2B). Staurosporine The IC50 values of the compounds followed the order C4 < C3 < C2 < C1 against Fe(II)-induced lipid peroxidation (Table 1). For SNP-induced lipid peroxidation, the IC50 values of the compounds followed the order C4 < C3 < C2 < C1 (Table 1). The Imax values of the compounds against Fe(II)-induced lipid peroxidation was 87%, 92%, 93% and 96% respectively of C1 to C4 ( Table 3). For SNP-induced lipid peroxidation, the Imax values of the compounds was 83%, 90%, 91% and 92% respectively of C1 to C4 ( Table 3). Rat liver homogenates were induced with Fe(II) or SNP to cause lipid peroxidation, and the effect of selenium compounds on this lipid peroxidation was investigated (Fig. 3). Both the monoselenides and the diselenides decreased the lipid peroxidation induced by Fe(II) at the concentration range (25–50 μM) (Fig. 3A). However, during SNP-induced lipid peroxidation (Fig.

Batch mode SEOP, as a potential low cost alternative, is being fu

Batch mode SEOP, as a potential low cost alternative, is being further developed using

various approaches by other groups [30] and [31]. For example high noble gas concentration at low pressures in batch mode SEOP has been recently explored to bypass the need for cryogenic separation [31]. This selleck inhibitor method produced the equivalent of hp 129Xe gas with Php = 14% at a rate of 1.8 cm3/min using only 23 W of laser power. For hp 83Kr, where cryogenic separation is not feasible due to rapid quadrupolar relaxation in the frozen state, the method allowed for Php = 3% at a rate of 2.0 cm3/min. For very specialized applications, it is also possible to hyperpolarize 129Xe together with a reactive gas. This has been demonstrated in SEOP of CH4–Xe mixtures that served as fuel for hp 129Xe MRI of combustion [37]. Methane as a saturated hydrocarbon compound shows little affinity to react with rubidium under SEOP conditions. The polarization obtained in a 5% Xe, 10% N2, and 85% CH4 mixture was Php = 7% in continuous

flow mode at 40 cm3/min and Php = 40% in batch mode SEOP. One crucial element in the improvements of SEOP systems are the many advances made in solid-state laser technology. Line-narrowed laser output at growing power levels becomes increasingly available and affordable [38]. Furthermore, an alternative methodology of potential interest for hp noble gas MRI has recently been explored. Dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) selleck screening library at 1.2 K was reported as a new approach to generate hp 129Xe state at potentially high volumes [39]. Whatever methodology will ultimately be the most successful, the proliferation of techniques to conveniently and inexpensively polarize noble gases appears likely. One should therefore expect for hp noble gas MRI to move beyond its current usage limited to highly specialized research facilities. Possibly the most useful applications of simple spin density gas phase imaging of hp noble gases are in lung functional studies. The clinically most relevant parameter that can be garnered from static Epothilone B (EPO906, Patupilone) pulmonary ventilation

scans are ventilation defects [40]. In patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma it is possible to monitor the evolution of these defects as the diseases progress over time during clinical, longitudinal studies. It is also possible to observe the response to airway hyperresponsiveness tests in asthma [41]. Effective ventilation deduced by hp MRI in vivo has been shown to correlate with spirometry data for patients in health and disease [40] and [42]. However, although the hp noble gas ventilation images may appear dramatic when displaying larger unventilated areas in lungs it should be noted that this might not be necessarily specific to one disease pathology, rather they reveal the extent and severity of ventilation defects that may be common in many conditions ( Fig. 2, [43]). Safe in vivo delivery of hp noble gases merits special mentioning.

To gain experience concerning the effect of formulation on the IS

To gain experience concerning the effect of formulation on the ISTD, additional experiments using ISTD in parallel to standard routine experiments without ISTD are feasible. If no data of intentionally damaged skin is available for setting a cut-off limit (as done in the current work, Fig. 2), routine data could be used to depict a frequency histogram and

use the 95th percentile threshold as previously done for TWF (Fasano et al., 2002 and Meidan and Roper, 2008). In conclusion the standard integrity tests TEER, TEWL and TWF are useful to distinguish between impaired and intact human skin samples prior to a dermal absorption experiment, if limit values of 10 g m−2 h−1, Buparlisib order 4.5 ∗ 10−3 cm h−1 and

2 kΩ, respectively, are applied. The application of one of these tests is recommended for routine experiments. Furthermore, adding an internal reference standard to the test compound allows a continuous assessment of the barrier functionality over the entire experimental period. Combining both, an effective and non-invasive pre-test like TEWL and the concept of ISTD could improve the quality of dermal absorption experiments in the future. However, the routine application of ISTD is hampered by the need of a historical dataset which is required to define thresholds of integrity and develop a general protocol. Katharina Guth, Eric Fabian, Robert Landsiedel and Ben van Ravenzwaay are employees of BASF SE – a chemical company which may use the described models in the development of commerical click here products. Transparency document. We would like to

thank Geoffrey Pigott for providing the test compounds MCPA and MCPA-2EHE as well as ingredients for the MCPA formulation. “
“Clearer understanding of the toxicological behavior of nanomaterials (NM) is emerging with an increasing number of studies utilizing in vitro methodologies for toxicological assessments ( Rodriguez-Yanez Ribose-5-phosphate isomerase et al., 2012 and Yang and Liu, 2012). Many of the assays utilize colorimetric and fluorimetric detection methods. One such assay, the resazurin assay is utilized to measure cell viability, based on the reduction of blue, non-fluorescent resazurin to pink, fluorescent resorufin by metabolically active cells ( O’Brien et al., 2000). The cellular reduction of resazurin occurs by metabolic enzymes located in the mitochondria, cytosol and the microsomal fractions ( De Fries and Mitsuhashi, 1995 and Gonzalez and Tarloff, 2001). The decrease in the magnitude of resazurin reduction below control levels indicates cytotoxicity (loss of cell viability). The test is simple, rapid, versatile, cost-effective and shows a high degree of correlation with cytotoxicity assessed by other methods, such as MTS ( Riss and Moravec, 2004).

Biased results are generally caused by (1) too coarse a resolutio

Biased results are generally caused by (1) too coarse a resolution of the model domain in which small-scale details are excluded or smoothed, (2) biased parameterization and boundary inputs, which can lead to significant differences between the model results even

if they are based on the same equations; such effects can be greatly amplified during a long-term run, (3) scant knowledge of interactions between different scale processes, and (4) the deterministic results of process-based models, in which the stochastic dimension inherent to the natural systems we are working with is ignored (de Vriend 2001). Climate change is assumed to be linear, and short-term MI-773 concentration fluctuations are excluded from our current modelling work. The authors BMS-754807 mouse admit that there is large uncertainty of climate change in the future and it is not possible to specify accurate climate input conditions for future predictions. Thus, our results are projection results based on certain particular climate scenarios rather than accurate future predictions. The aim of this study is to identify the key coastal areas most vulnerable to climate change impacts, such as accelerated sea level rise and increased storm frequency, and reveal the nonlinear

effects on the coastal morphological evolution caused by these climate factors. Although uncertainty of climate change exists, the hypothesis of linear climate change

seems to be acceptable for the simulation of the Darss-Zingst peninsula from 1696 to 2300. This is probably due to two main reasons: (1) the research area has a relatively stable coastline boundary, which does not allow for much change caused by stochastic climate fluctuations; (2) studies of the North Atlantic Oscillation N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate transferase (NAO), which turns out to be an important factor influencing the climate of the Baltic Sea in winter (Klavins et al. 2009), indicate that although variability has existed on an annual scale during the last two centuries (HELCOM 2006), the 30-year averaged NAO index series of the last three centuries fluctuates slightly from the value of zero (Trouet et al. 2009). This supports the feasibility of periodic climate inputs generated on the basis of the 50-year wind data analysis for the historical hindcast or future projection on a centennial scale in the model. However, this hypothesis may be violated when the model is applied to a longer time span (millennial scale), as the model boundary is more variable and the non-linear effects caused by the linear parameterization of climate conditions can accumulate and may ultimately dominate the results. The estimation and quantification of these uncertainties for the simulation of millennial-scale coastal evolution (either hindcast or prediction) remain a challenge for our model work.

The catholyte stream (Aversol™ by Trustwater)

The catholyte stream (Aversol™ by Trustwater) Selleckchem Rigosertib has a high pH and is classified as an amphoteric surfactant, having reduced surface tension and mild detergent-like properties. Trustwater’s automated process uses this solution to maintain the Ecasol stream at a neutral pH. The new Ecasol solution was titrated at 700 ppm free available chlorine (FAC), with a pH of 6.7. The solution was delivered to the lab on the day of the experiment and was used immediately upon delivery, with a time from solution generation to lab experimentation of approximately 2 h. The stability of Ecasol depends upon storage conditions because it can lose up to

10% of its activity within 3 weeks of generation if it is not stored properly. Two concentrations of Ecasol, 150 ppm and 500 ppm FAC, were prepared by diluting the solution with deionized water. These testing concentrations selleck screening library were selected because 150 ppm is the most commonly

used concentration for food contact surface sanitization, based on the recommendation of 40CFR 180.940, and the concentration of 500 ppm was selected because Ecasol is a known sporocidal at this concentration. The test was performed in 6-well tissue culture plates, and the experiments were conducted in triplicate. The six wells of the plate were labeled A through F, and the FCV suspension was uniformly applied to the bottom of the six wells at 100 μL/well. The inoculum was allowed to dry for 30 min at room temperature (approximately 23 °C) in a type II biosafety cabinet. After the inoculum dried, the Ecasol solution

was Chlormezanone added to wells A–C at 5 mL/well. Wells D–F served as controls for each treated well (well D for well A, and so on), with 5 mL of phosphate buffered saline (PBS) per well. The plate was incubated at room temperature on an orbital shaker (at 120 rpm) for different time periods (1, 2, and 5 min for wells A and D, B and E, and C and F, respectively). After the appropriate contact times, the well contents were immediately diluted 10-fold using a maintenance medium to stop Ecasol activity at the indicated times. Serial 10-fold dilutions of these eluates were prepared in Eagle’s MEM, followed by inoculation of CRFK cells grown in 96-well microtiter plates, using four wells for each test dilution. The inoculated plates were incubated at 37 °C and examined daily for 4 days by microscope for FCV-induced cytopathic effects (CPE). The virus titers were calculated by the Reed and Muench method [13], and the log reductions were calculated by comparing the titers of the Ecasol-treated wells with those of the PBS-treated control wells. To determine the cytotoxicity of the Ecasol solution to the CRFK cells, 10-fold serial dilutions of Ecasol prepared in Eagle’s MEM were added to monolayers of CRFK cells prepared in a 96-well plate (4 wells/dilution).