Coiling in the distal part of the ophthalmic artery, over the bra

Coiling in the distal part of the ophthalmic artery, over the branching of the main check details ciliary artery, caused more severe retinal ischemia.

Multifocal electroretinography recordings, which reflect retinal function in an area close to the visual streak, showed decreased amplitudes and increased implicit times after distal occlusion, but not after proximal occlusion of the ophthalmic artery. The responses were similar 1 hour and 72 hours after coiling, indicating that a permanent ischemic injury was established.\n\nCONCLUSIONS. The porcine ophthalmic artery can be occluded using an endovascular coiling technique. This provides an experimental animal model of retinal ischemia in which occlusion at different sites of the vasculature produces different degrees of severity

DZNeP manufacturer of the ischemic damage. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2011;52:4880-4885) DOI:10.1167/iovs.11-7628″
“Antimicrobial peptides are important effectors of innate immunity throughout the plant and animal kingdoms. In the mammalian small intestine, Paneth cell alpha-defensins are antimicrobial peptides that contribute to host defense against enteric pathogens. To determine if alpha-defensins also govern intestinal microbial ecology, we analyzed the intestinal microbiota of mice expressing a human alpha-defensin gene (DEFA5) and in mice lacking an enzyme required for the processing of mouse alpha-defensins. In these complementary models, we detected significant alpha-defensin-dependent changes in microbiota composition, but not in total bacterial 123 numbers. Furthermore, DEFA5-expressing mice had striking losses of segmented filamentous bacteria and fewer interleukin 17 (IL-17)-producing lamina propria T cells. Our data ascribe a new homeostatic role to alpha-defensins in regulating the makeup of the commensal microbiota.”

changes occur frequently in Wilms’ tumor (WT), especially loss of imprinting (LOI) of 1GF2/H19 at 11p15. Our previous results have identified imprinted transcripts (WT1-AS and AWT1) from the WT1 locus at 11p13 and showed LOI of these in some WTs. In this article, we set out to test the relationship between LOI at 11 p13 and 11 p15 and their timing in WT progression relative to other genetic changes. CA3 We found a higher level (83%) of 11 p13 LOI in WT than of 11 p15 LOI (71%). There was no correlation between methylation levels at the 11 p13 and 11 p15 differentially methylated regions or between allelic expression of WT1-AS/AWT1 and IGF2. Interestingly, retention of normal imprinting at 11p13 was associated with a small group of relatively late-onset, high-stage WTs. An examination of genetic and epigenetic alterations in nephrogenic rests, which are premalignant WT precursors, showed that LOI at both 11 p13 and 11 p15 occurred before either 16q loss of heterozygosity (LOH) or 7p LOH.

10 mm (interquartile range [IQR], 1 29-2 37) and 4 13 (IQR, 3 11-

10 mm (interquartile range [IQR], 1.29-2.37) and 4.13 (IQR, 3.11-7.39) (p < 0.001).\n\nInattentional blindness was evident in both groups. Although more accurate, the AR group was less likely to identify significant unexpected findings clearly within view. Advanced navigational displays may increase precision, but strategies to mitigate attentional costs need further investigation to allow safe implementation.”
“Objective: To determine whether the routine use of preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) in “good prognosis” women improves in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle outcome.\n\nDesign:

Randomized, controlled, prospective clinical study.\n\nSetting: Private infertility clinic.\n\nPatient(s): Infertile women predicted to have a good prognosis as defined by: age < 39 DAPT cell line years, normal ovarian reserve, body mass index < 30 kg/m(2), presence of ejaculated sperm, normal uterus, <= 2 previous failed IVF cycles.\n\nIntervention(s): Patients were randomized to the PGS group or the control group on day 3 after oocyte retrieval; 23 women underwent blastomere biopsy on day 3 after fertilization (PGS group), and 24 women underwent routine IVF (control group). All embryos were transferred on day 5 or 6 after fertilization.\n\nMain Outcome Measure(s): Pregnancy, implantation, multiple gestation, and live birth rates.\n\nResult(s): No statistically

significant differences were found between the PGS and control groups with respect to clinical pregnancy rate Z-VAD-FMK (52.4% versus 72.7%). However, the embryo implantation rate was statistically significantly lower for the PGS group (34.7% versus 62.3%) as were the live birth rate (28.6% versus 68.2%) and the multiple birth rate (9.1% versus 46.7%).\n\nConclusion(s): In a “good prognosis” population of women, PGS does not appear to improve pregnancy, implantation, or live birth rates. (Fertil Steril (R)

2009;91:1731-8. (C)2009 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)”
“Objective: see more To assess changes in the levator plate angle (LPA), anteroposterior length of the levator hiatus (H-line), and pelvic floor descent (M-line) after vaginal hysterectomy and prolapse repair using the Gynecare Prolift Total Pelvic Floor Repair System. Methods: Before and after the intervention, 20 women with pelvic floor prolapse underwent dynamic magnetic resonance imaging in supine position during the Valsalva maneuver to measure the LPA, H-line, and M-line. Paired t tests were performed and Pearson correlation coefficients calculated from values obtained using the pelvic organ prolapse quantification system. Results: After the intervention the LPA was smaller (46.92 degrees vs 55.39 degrees, P<0.05), the H-line was shorter (53.70 cm vs 60.46 cm, P<0.05), and the M-line was shorter (19.58 cm vs 25.27 cm, P<0.05).

In this study using computational analysis of sequenced rice geno

In this study using computational analysis of sequenced rice genome, we identified eight and seven potential non-redundant members involved in AsA and tocochromanol biosynthetic pathways, respectively. learn more The results reveal that the common feature

of these gene promoters is the combination of light-responsive, hormone-responsive, and stress-responsive elements. These findings, together with expression analysis in the MPSS database, indicate that AsA and tocochromanols might be co-related with the complex signaling pathways involved in plant responses. (c) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“The cytotoxicity of polyelectrolytes commonly employed for layer-by-layer deposition of polyelectrolyte multilayers (PEMUs) was assessed using rat smooth muscle A7r5 and human osteosarcoma U-2 OS cells. Cell growth, viability, and metabolic assays were used to compare the responses

of both cell lines to poly(acrylic acid), PAA, and poly(allylamine hydrochloride), PAR, in solution at concentrations up to 10 mM and to varying thicknesses of (PAA/PAH) PEMUs. Cytotoxicity correlated with increasing concentration Selleck Screening Library of solution polyelectrolytes for both cell types and was greater for the positively charged PAR than for the negatively charged PAA. While metabolism and proliferation of both cell types was slower on PEMUs than on tissue culture plastic, little evidence for direct toxicity on cells was observed. In fact, evidence for more extensive adhesion and cytoskeletal organization was observed with PAR-terminated

PEMUs. Differences in cell activity and viability on different thickness PEMU surfaces resulted primarily from differences in 3 attachment for these adhesion-dependent cell lines.”
“The human colon carcinoma cell line Caco-2 is often used as a model for intestinal drug absorption. To better understand xenobiotic glucuronidation in Caco-2 cells, we have examined the expression BYL719 levels of different UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs) in them. The effects of two main factors were investigated, namely, passage number and cell differentiation. Hence, the mRNA levels of 15 human UGTs of subfamilies 1A and 2B were assessed in both undifferentiated and fully differentiated cells at four passage levels: P31, P37, P43, and P49. Quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction was used to determine the mRNA levels of individual UGTs, and the values were normalized using beta-actin as a reference gene. The results indicate that although passage number in the tested range exerts a mild effect on the expression level of several UGTs, the contribution of cell differentiation is much larger. The expression of nearly all the UGTs that were examined in this study was significantly, sometimes greatly, increased during cell differentiation.

We conclude that LepB1 is the natural leader peptidase for PsaF,

We conclude that LepB1 is the natural leader peptidase for PsaF, PsbO, and Cyt f. The maturation of PsbO and Cyt f can be partially performed by LepB2, whereas PsaF processing is completely dependent on LepB1. iTRAQ analysis also revealed a number of indirect effects accompanying the mutation, primarily a strong induction of the CydAB oxidase as well as a significant decrease in phycobiliproteins and chlorophyll/heme biosynthesis enzymes.”
“Negative outcomes, as identified from external feedback, cause a short-latency negative deflection in the event-related potential (ERP) waveform over medial frontal electrode sites. This brain

response, which has been called an “error related negativity” (ERN) or “medial frontal negativity” (MFN), may reflect a coarse evaluation of performance outcomes, selleck such as the valence of a reward within a monetary gambling task. Yet, for feedback to lead to the adaptive control of behavior, other information concerning reward outcomes besides experienced valence may also be important. Here, we used a gambling task in which subjects chose between two options that could vary in both outcome valence (gain or loss) and outcome magnitude ( larger or smaller). AZD1480 inhibitor We measured changes in brain ERP responses associated with the presentation of the outcomes. We found, as shown in prior studies, that valence of the chosen outcome has an early

effect upon frontal ERPs, with maximal difference observed at similar to 250 msec. However, our results demonstrated that the early ERP responses to outcome feedback were driven not just by valence but by the combination of valence and magnitude for both chosen and unchosen selleckchem options. Beginning even earlier, at around 150 msec, responses to high-consequence outcomes resulted in a greater, more centrally distributed, positive potential

than those involving low-consequence outcomes, independent of valence. Furthermore, the amplitude of these early effects was significantly modulated by the sequence of outcomes in previous trials. These results indicate that early evaluation of feedback goes beyond simple identification of valence-it involves the consideration of multiple factors, including outcome magnitude, context of unchosen options, and prior history.”
“Background and Purpose-The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in the cerebrospinal fluid sphingolipid profile in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage in relation to the occurrence of symptomatic vasospasm and outcome at hospital discharge.\n\nMethods-The ceramide profile in the cerebrospinal fluid was determined by mass spectrometry in control subjects and patients with Fisher 3 grade subarachnoid hemorrhage within 48 hours of the bleed. Patients were prospectively followed and subcategorized based on the occurrence of symptomatic vasospasm and modified Rankin Scale at discharge.

Results: We detected a significant association between ESR1 and m

Results: We detected a significant association between ESR1 and methamphetamine induced psychosis patients in allele/genotype-wise analysis.

For further interpretation of these associations, we performed single marker analysis of subjects divided by sex. Rs2234693 was associated with male methamphetamine induced psychosis. Discussion: Our results suggest that rs2234693 in ESR1 may play a role in the pathophysiology of Japanese methamphetamine induced psychosis patients. Crown Copyright (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.”
“Mecamylamine (MEC), which was initially developed as a ganglionic blocker for the treatment of hypertension has been investigated as a potent antagonist for most types of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). Most studies of MEC have focused on its inhibitory effects for nAChRs; however its biological uses have Galardin datasheet recently been expanded to the treatment of psychological disorders accompanying anxiety-related symptoms. Although MEC shows obvious anxiolytic action, there is no clear evidence on its function. In this study, we investigated whether MEC affects brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression in vitro and

in vivo. MEC increased BDNF expression in differentiated Selisistat datasheet SH-SY5Y cells and the cerebral cortex region of rat brains. To determine if the anxiolytic effect of MEC is associated with BDNF upregulation, the elevated plus maze (EPM) task was conducted in a dexamethasone (DEX)-induced anxiety model. MEC reduced DEX-induced anxiety-like behavior, and increased BDNF expression in the cerebral cortex LB-100 purchase of rats. These results suggest that the anxiolytic effect of MEC in EPM might be associated with BDNF upregulation in the cerebral cortex region of rats. The therapeutic efficacy of MEC for anxiety might be partly dependent on BDNF modulation. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.”
“Basal cell adenocarcinoma arising from the minor salivary gland is extremely rare. We report a 76-year-old Japanese man with basal cell adenocarcinoma originating in the upper gingiva. He underwent subtotal maxillectomy combined with

resection of the coronoid process, and reconstruction was performed using a rectus abdominis microvascular flap. The patient has been followed for 40 months after operation without any evidence of disease. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009; 107: 542-546)”
“Colouration of poly (lactic acid) textile materials using pigments is particularly interesting because of the commercial importance of pigment prints and the sensitivity of poly (lactic acid) fibres to aqueous treatment; however the processing requires optimisation because of the fibre’s heat sensitivity. In this study, poly (lactic acid) fabrics were screen pigment printed and thermally cured at different temperatures, ranging from 120 degrees C to 150 degrees C, and curing times, from 3 min to 5 min.

Next, we used Epstein-Barr virus-transformed B cells from heteroz

Next, we used Epstein-Barr virus-transformed B cells from heterozygous mutation carriers and wild-type individuals to evaluate protein and mRNA cytokine expression in vitro using quantitative PCR and ELISA assays. In vivo, increased levels of 25 autoimmune markers as well as elevated levels of cytokines

were significantly associated with the NRG1 mutation. In MK-2206 chemical structure vitro, we observed a significant increase in protein secretion levels of IL-6, TNF-alpha, and IL-8 in mutation carriers compared with controls. At the mRNA level, we observed a significant increase in IL-6 expression, while IL-4 levels appeared to be down-regulated in heterozygous individuals compared with wild-type controls. This is the first report of association of a NRG1 mutation with immune dysregulation. This study could contribute towards understanding the role of NRG1 in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia and other disorders in which inflammation plays an important role.”
“This study assessed the prevalence rate of epilepsy and its causes in children and adolescents in one area of high deprivation in Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, in Southeast Brazil. Between July 2005 and June 2006, 4947 families from a population

of 22,013 inhabitants (including 10,405 children and adolescents between the ages of 0 and 16 years) living in the shantytown of Paraisopolis, were interviewed. In the first phase, a validated questionnaire was administered, to identify the occurrence of seizures. In the second phase, clinical history, neurologic examination, electroencephalography, 4SC-202 in vivo and structural neuroimaging were performed. The diagnosis of epilepsy, including etiology, seizure types, and epileptic syndrome classification, was according to criteria of the International League Against Epilepsy. The screening phase identified 353 presumptive cases. In the second phase, 101 of these cases (33.8%) received the diagnosis of epilepsy. Crude prevalence of epilepsy was 9.7/1000 and

prevalence of active epilepsy was 8.7/1000. Partial seizures were the most frequent seizure type (62/101). Symptomatic focal epilepsy click here was the most common form, and hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy the most common etiology, reflecting the socioeconomic conditions of this specific population. Adequate public policies regarding perinatal assistance could help reduce the prevalence of epilepsy. (C) 2010 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.”
“Frailty in older adults, defined as a constellation of signs and symptoms, is associated with abnormal levels in individual physiological systems. We tested the hypothesis that it is the critical mass of physiological systems abnormal that is associated with frailty, over and above the status of each individual system, and that the relationship is nonlinear.

“Background: Hepatitis

B virus-associated glomerul

“Background: Hepatitis

B virus-associated glomerulonephritis (HBV-GN) mainly occurs in children. Patients with HBV-GN are frequently positive for serum HBV surface antigen (HBsAg), but they are rarely negative. Objective: To explore the clinical and pathological characteristics of patients with HBV-GN who are serum HBsAg negative. Study design: Five children with HBV-GN who are negative for HBsAg were included in this study. Their clinical and pathological characteristics were collected and analyzed. Results: All 5 children presented with different levels of proteinuria and microscopic hematuria. Renal biopsies showed membranous nephropathy accompanied by HBsAg and/or HBcAg deposits in glomeruli in all of the children. Steroids and/or other immunosuppressants were administered in all cases without antiviral therapy during the early stages of treatment. Two children achieved complete remission BTSA1 clinical trial but relapsed after the drugs were tapered down. The other 3 children were initially non-responsive but achieved remission after lamivudine was added. Conclusions: Treatment of HBsAg-negative HBV-GN patients with immunosuppressants alone could not achieve satisfactory Selleck Selonsertib effects. Antiviral

treatment is effective and may be necessary in this type of patient. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.”
“Effects of superficial gas velocity and top clearance on gas holdup, liquid circulation velocity, check details mixing time, and mass transfer coefficient are investigated in a new airlift loop photobioreactor (PBR), and empirical models for its rational control and scale-up are proposed. In addition, the impact of top clearance on hydrodynamics, especially on the gas holdup in the internal airlift loop reactor, is clarified; a novel volume expansion technique is developed to determine the low gas holdup in the PBR. Moreover, a model strain of Chlorella vulgaris is cultivated in the PBR and the volumetric power is analyzed with a classic model,

and then the aeration is optimized. It shows that the designed PBR, a cost-effective reactor, is promising for the mass cultivation of microalgae. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Bone substitute materials allowing trans-scaffold migration and in-scaffold survival of human bone-derived cells are mandatory for development of cell-engineered permanent implants to repair bone defects. In this study, we evaluated the influence on human bone-derived cells of the material composition and microstructure of foam scaffolds of calcium aluminate. The scaffolds were prepared using a direct foaming method allowing wide-range tailoring of the microstructure for pore size and pore openings. Human fetal osteoblasts (osteo-progenitors) attached to the scaffolds, migrated across the entire bioceramic depending on the scaffold pore size, colonized, and survived in the porous material for at least 6 weeks.

1-5 7) Conclusions: Fully two-thirds of human immunodeficienc

1-5.7).\n\nConclusions: Fully two-thirds of human immunodeficiency virus-infected adolescents in the current study demonstrated a suboptimal virologic response to HAART. Nonadherence and prior single or dual antiretroviral therapy were associated with subsequent poor virologic responses to HAART. These predictors of HAART failure echo findings in pediatric and adult populations. Given the unique developmental stage of adolescence, age-specific interventions are indicated to address high rates of nonadherence and therapeutic failure.”
“A range

of posterior segment abnormalities, especially anomalies of the selleck chemical optic papilla, coloboma, and persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous are associated with the high risk to develop a retinal

detachment. Most of these retinal detachments develop in the first and second decade of life. In most cases of retinal detachment caused by malformations, vitreoretinal surgery is indicated. Results of surgery depend on the nature of malformations. In spite of INCB018424 molecular weight an anatomic re-attachment of the retina, in some eyes the functional results are limited. Especially in cases of severe PHPV, the aim of vitrectomy is only to prevent complications. Vitreoretinal surgery should not be performed in eyes with no light perception, without papillary light reflex, and/or with unrecordable visually evoked potential.”
“Objective: To evaluate the quasi-isometric points (nearest isometric points) between the distal aspect Adavosertib of the femur and fabella and the proximal aspect of the tibia for placement of a lateral suture in cats. Study Design: Radiographic study. Animals: Cadaveric cat stifles (n = 7 cats; 14 stifles). Methods: Specimens were secured in a mounting frame to maintain rigid fixation of the femur and allow free range of motion of the stifle joint and proximal tibia. Two anatomic landmarks were identified: the center of the lateral fabella (Ff) and a point 4 mm proximal to

the insertion of the patellar tendon adjacent to the tibial cortex (Tt). Radiopaque spheres were placed at predefined landmarks in the femur (caudal aspect of the lateral femoral condyle distal [F1] and proximal [F2] to the lateral fabella) and in the tibia (caudal to the proximal aspect of the extensor groove [T1]; cranial to the proximal aspect of the extensor groove [T2]; 2 mm proximal and caudal to the insertion of the patellar tibial tendon [T3] and 3 mm caudal to the insertion of the patellar tibial tendon [T4]. For each stifle, 4 radiographic projections were made: in extension (166 degrees), in flexion (45 degrees), and 2 intermediate stance phases (90 degrees, 130 degrees). ANOVA was used to compare means of the distance between the point pairs and means of the percent change in variation of distance (VOD%) using the 45 degrees measurement as a reference. Results: Mean VOD% nearest to zero, over all the different angles tested, was produced by Ff-Tt, which was statistically significantly different from each of the other point pairs.

Individual aggression and size did not predict competition outcom

Individual aggression and size did not predict competition outcome in the laboratory nor did they predict home range size, overlap, or reproductive success in the field. However, winners of laboratory trial contests maintained consistent aggressive phenotypes while consistency in aggression was lost in losers. We Thiazovivin inhibitor suggest that aggression may be important in other functional contexts, such as parental care, and that alternative traits, such as fighting experience, may be important in determining competition outcome in this species.”
“The majority of components of the essential oil from Cinnamomum cassia bark were identified by gas chromatography

and mass spectrometry (GC-MS) Protein Tyrosine Kinase inhibitor in this study. The trans-cinnamaldehyde (68.52%) was found to be the major compound. The antibacterial activity of essential oil against four food-related bacteria was evaluated. The results showed it was stronger effect against Staphylococcus aureus with both the largest ZOI

of 27.4 mm and the lowest minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 2.5 mg/mL and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of 5.0 mg/mL respectively. Postcontact effect (PCE) assay also confirmed the essential oil had a significant effect on the growth rate of surviving S. aureus and Escherichia coli. The mechanism against S. aureus and E. coli may be due to the increase in permeability of cell membranes, and the leakage of intracellular constituents based on cell permeability assay and electron microscopy observations.”
“A new species of the genus Isoperla

(Plecoptera, Perlodidae), belonging to the oxylepis species-group is described, and the male mating call is characterized. Its range falls within a small region of the Southern Limestone Alps which is well known to be one endemism-centre of aquatic insects.”
“Non-canonical poly(A) polymerases (ncPAPs) catalyze the addition of poly(A) tail to the 3′ end of RNA to play pivotal roles in the regulation of gene expression and also in quality control. Here we identified a novel isoform of the 7th member of ncPAPs: PAPD7 (PAPD7 1), which contains Ruboxistaurin 230 extra amino acids at the amino terminus of the previously identified PAPD7 (PAPD7 s). In sharp contrast to the inactive PAPD7 s, PAPD71 showed robust nucleotidyl transferase activity when tethered to an RNA. A region required for the activity was localized to 187-219 aa, and this region was also required for the nuclear retention of PAPD71. Western blot analysis revealed that 94 kDa band (corresponding to PAPD7 1) but not 62 kDa band (corresponding to PAPD7 s) detected by PAPD7 antibody was specifically depleted by treatment with PAPD7 siRNA in both HeLa and U2OS cells. These results suggest that PAPD71 is the major and active isoform of PAPD7 expressed in cells. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Initial coalescent analyses of phased nuclear alleles (using *BEA

Initial coalescent analyses of phased nuclear alleles (using *BEAST) recovered a Bayesian species tree that strongly conflicted with the mtDNA phylogeny and traditional taxonomy, and appeared to be confounded by hybridization. Therefore, we undertook exploratory phylogenetic analyses of mismatched alleles from the “coestimated”

gene trees (Heled and Drummond, 2010) in order EPZ5676 mouse to identify potential hybrid origins. The geography, morphology, and sampling context of most samples with potential introgressed alleles suggest hybridization over ILS. We identify contact zones between different species on Jamaica (T. decussata x T. terrapen), on Hispaniola (T. decorata x T. stejnegeri), and in Central America (T. emolli x T. venusta). We are unable to determine whether the distribution of T. decussata on Jamaica is natural or the result of prehistoric introduction by Native Americans. This uncertainty means that the conservation status of the Jamaican T. decussata populations and contact zone with T. terrapen are unresolved. Human-mediated dispersal events were more conclusively implicated for the prehistoric translocation of T. stejnegeri between Puerto Rico and Hispaniola, as well as the more recent

IWR-1-endo nmr genetic pollution of native species by an invasive pet turtle native to the USA (T. scripta elegans). Finally, we test the impact of introgressed alleles using the multispecies coalescent in a Bayesian framework and show that studies that do not phase NU7441 cell line heterozygote sequences of hybrid individuals may recover the correct species tree, but overall support for clades that include hybrid individuals may be reduced.

(C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.”
“We describe two siblings from a consanguineous family with autosomal recessive Fanconi’s syndrome and hypophosphatemic rickets. Genetic analysis revealed a homozygous in-frame duplication of 21 bp in SLC34A1, which encodes the renal sodium-inorganic phosphate cotransporter NaPi-IIa, as the causative mutation. Functional studies in Xenopus laevis oocytes and in opossum kidney cells indicated complete loss of function of the mutant NaPi-IIa, resulting from failure of the transporter to reach the plasma membrane. These findings show that disruption of the human NaPi-IIa profoundly impairs overall renal phosphate reabsorption and proximal-tubule function and provide evidence of the critical role of NaPi-IIa in human renal phosphate handling.”
“Sequence-dependent variations in the growth mechanism and stability of amyloid fibrils, which are implicated in a number of neuro-degenerative diseases, are poorly understood. We have carried out extensive all-atom molecular dynamics simulations to monitor the structural changes that occur upon addition of random coil (RC) monomer fragments from the yeast prion Sup35 and A beta-peptide onto a preformed fibril.