Total melanoma tumor counts were obtained on day 22 by adding

Total melanoma tumor counts were obtained on day 22 by adding

the number of foci counted in the superior, middle, inferior, and postcaval lobes of the right lung to the number of foci counted in the left lung. The endpoint of the study was originally defined as 100 metastases per lung set. All procedures and analyses were performed blind, without knowledge of the test samples. Differences in sCTLA-4 levels between treatments were analyzed using the Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs Signed-Ranks Test, and differences in metastatic melanoma tumor load by Mann–Whitney U test. This work was funded by an endowment grant (04/50) from NHS Grampian, UK, and a Knowledge Transfer Grant from the University of Aberdeen. Dr. Lekh N. Dahal was supported by a studentship from the University of Aberdeen and by Arthritis Research UK (Grant no. 19282). The authors are grateful to Professors Selleck Enzalutamide John Todd and Linda Wicker (University of Cambridge, UK) for helpful discussions and provision of reagents. The authors thank Teva Pharmaceuticals, Tikva, Israel, for their collaborative support in the murine melanoma model. The authors also thank Drs Jennifer Niven and Isabel Crane for their help with the IRBP model of experimental autoimmune uveitis. The authors

(FJW, LND, and RNB) have filed a patent covering the use of the monoclonal Ab JMW-3B3 as a therapeutic. As a service to our authors and readers, this journal provides supporting information supplied by the authors. Such materials are peer reviewed and may be re-organized for online delivery, but are not copy-edited or MTMR9 typeset. Technical selleck chemicals support issues arising from supporting information (other than missing files) should be addressed to the authors. “
“Intra-amniotic pathogens and by-products activate innate immune responses encompassing multitudes of signaling molecules and pathways that can result in spontaneous preterm birth (PTB). This study investigates fetal membrane response to bacterial stimulation using a bioinformatics approach. Dysregulated biomarker (IL1-β, IL-2, IL-8, IL-10, and TNF-α) data from fetal membranes at term stimulated with Ureaplasma urealyticum, Ureaplasma parvum, Mycoplasma

hominis, E. coli, Group B Streptococci, Polyporhans gingivalis, or Gardnerella vaginalis with 50% (v/v) amniotic fluid (AF) were analyzed by Ingenuity Pathway Analysis. In racially stratified analysis, networks representing late-stage immune inflammation were seen in African-Americans in AF absence. Inflammation was dominant in AF presence as well. In Caucasians, late-stage immune response was dominant with AF, but not in its absence. Fetal membrane biofunctions in response to bacteria reflect early- and late-stage innate immune defenses that vary based on the presence of AF and subject race. “
“Here construction of an attenuated mutant of an avian pathogenic Escherichia coli serovar O78 using an allelic exchange procedure is described.

Frequency of screening

Frequency of screening high throughput screening assay Screening frequency for targeted individuals should be yearly if no abnormality is detected on initial evaluation. 4. Who should perform the screening Doctors,

nurses, paramedical staff and other trained healthcare professionals 5. Intervention after screening Patients detected to have CKD should be referred to primary care physicians with experience in management of kidney disease for follow up. A management protocol should be provided to the primary care physicians. Further referral to nephrologists for management will be based on the protocol together with clinical judgment of the primary care physicians with their assessment of the severity of CKD and the likelihood of progression. find more 6. Screening for cardiovascular disease risk It is recommended that cardiovascular disease risk factors should be screened in all patients with CKD. “
“Date written: April 2009 Final submission: April 2009 Kidney status in people with type 2 diabetes should be assessed by: (Grade B)* a.  Annual screening for albuminuria by: AER 30–300 mg/24 h or AER 20–200 µg/min in timed collection Macroalbuminuria

is indicated by: AER > 300 mg/24 h or AER > 200 µg/min in timed collection OR Albumin: Creatinine Ratio (ACR) – spot urine sample. Microalbuminuria is indicated by: ACR 2.5–25 mg/mmol in males ACR 3.5–35 mg/mmol in females Macroalbuminuria is indicated by: ACR > 25 mg/mmol in males ACR > 35 mg/mmol in females If AER or ACR screening is positive for microalbuminuria: Perform additional ACR or AER measurements one to two times within 3 months. Microalbuminuria is confirmed if at least two

of three tests (including the screening test) are positive. If AER or ACR screening is positive for macroalbuminuria: Perform a 24 h urine collection for quantitation Mirabegron of protein excretion. AND eGFR < 60 mL/min per 1.73 m2 indicates at least moderate kidney dysfunction (Stage 3–5 chronic kidney disease [CKD]). eGFR 60–90 mL/min per 1.73 m2 may indicate mild kidney dysfunction (Stage 2 CKD if albuminuria also present). Continue annual screening for albuminuria and eGFR in the event of negative screening tests. Screening for microalbuminuria and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) should be preformed on an annual basis from the time of diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. This guideline topic has been taken from the NHMRC ‘National Evidence Based Guidelines for Diagnosis, Prevention and Management of CKD in type 2 diabetes’ which can be found in full at the CARI website ( The NHMRC guideline covers issues related to the assessment and prevention of CKD in individuals with established type 2 diabetes.

We used antisense transfection, over-expression, or knock-down of

We used antisense transfection, over-expression, or knock-down of IL-32 to assess the effects of the HPV-16 E7 oncogene on IL-32 expression in

cervical cancer cells. Cyclo-oxygenase 2 (COX-2) inhibitor treatment PS-341 clinical trial was conducted, and the expression levels, as well as the promoter activities, of IL-32 and COX-2 were evaluated in human HPV-positive cervical cancer cell lines. E7 antisense treatment reduced the expression levels and promoter activities of COX-2, which is constitutively expressed in HPV-infected cells. Constitutively expressed IL-32 was also inhibited by E7 antisense treatment. Moreover, IL-32 expression was blocked by the application of the selective COX-2 inhibitor, NS398, whereas COX-2 over-expression resulted in increased IL-32 levels. These results show that the high-risk variant of HPV induces IL-32 expression via E7-mediated COX-2 stimulation. However, E7 and COX-2 were down-regulated in the IL-32γ over-expressing cells and recovered by IL-32 small interfering RNA, indicating that E7 and COX-2 were feedback-inhibited by IL-32γ selleck chemicals in cervical cancer cells. Cervical cancer is the second most frequent cause of cancer death in women worldwide, and molecular epidemiological studies

have demonstrated clearly that human papillomavirus (HPV) is a prerequisite for the development of cervical carcinoma.1,2 Approximately 200 different HPV types have been characterized, Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II and the two most frequent high-risk HPV genotypes, HPV-16 and HPV-18, account for at least 50% of cervical cancers worldwide.3,4 Several HPV-16 type oncoproteins expressed during the early stage of infection have been associated with oncogenicity; specifically, E5, E6 and E7 have been demonstrated to contribute to the maintenance

of malignant cervical cancer phenotypes.5 The function of the E5 oncoprotein-activating epidermal growth factor receptor remains to be clearly elucidated, and E6 promotes the degradation of p53 via its interaction with E6AP.6 The E7 oncoprotein binds to the pRb retinoblastoma protein, and disrupts its formation of a complex with the E2F transcription factor in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. E7 also binds to and activates cyclin complexes such as cyclin-dependent kinase cdk2 and cyclin A, which control cell cycle progression.7 The viral genes E6 and E7 found in a specific subset of HPVs are invariably expressed in HPV-positive cervical cancer cells.8 It has also been previously reported that the E7 gene of HPV-16 triggers a cellular immunosuppression and profoundly enhances the release of angiogenic cytokines by macrophages or dendritic cells.9 The E6 and E7 oncogenes also inhibit the IL-18-mediated immune response, which carries out crucial functions in host defence mechanisms against infection and cancer.

One of the factors limiting progress in this area is the inherent

One of the factors limiting progress in this area is the inherent complexity of the flora, but the advent of genomics-based approaches is rapidly plugging this technology gap and the increasing application of this technology will hopefully clarify the role of the flora to

a significant degree in the near future. More indirect human data are available from the relevant epidemiology literature concerning the role of microbial pathogens as opposed to commensal flora [28,29]. The original conceptualization of the hygiene hypothesis envisaged infection frequency as the key factor discriminating high-risk and low-risk populations, but it has become evident that qualitative aspects of MK-2206 mouse infection(s) may be of equivalent or even greater importance. In particular, there is strong evidence linking enteric infections with reduced risk for allergic sensitization

learn more [30], and similarly for mild–moderate respiratory infections (without wheeze/fever) which spread to the lower respiratory tract [31], whereas upper respiratory tract infections do not appear to play such a role [32]. In contrast to the above, one class of viral infections has been linked epidemiologically in multiple studies to risk for subsequent development of asthma in childhood, notably moderate–severe viral infections which spread to the lower respiratory tract and which are of sufficient

intensity to trigger wheeze and/or febrile responses [32–34]. These infections serve as independent risk factors for subsequent asthma development, but their asthma-promoting effects are much stronger against a background or respiratory allergy (reviewed in [35,36]). On the basis of these findings, we have proposed a ‘two-hit’ model for asthma aetiology in early childhood (Fig. 1) in which interactions between inflammatory pathways involved in host responses to aeroallergens and viruses infecting the airway epithelium synergize to perturb early postnatal lung growth and differentiation, resulting in later expression of the asthma phenotype [35,36]. These Isotretinoin interactions are most profound in children who are sensitized to aeroallergens early and who experience severe infections during the same period [32]. A key question remaining to be resolved fully relates to the nature of these interactions between the anti-viral and atopic pathways. We hypothesize that one important focus of these interactions is the network of airway mucosal dendritic cells (AMDC) first described in humans [37] and experimental animals [38,39] by our group, and which are now recognized generally to play an essential ‘gatekeeper’ role in control of immune responses in the respiratory tract to all classes of inhaled antigens and pathogens [40,41].

We questioned whether targeting DCs with OVA-3-sulfo-LeA or OVA-t

We questioned whether targeting DCs with OVA-3-sulfo-LeA or OVA-tri-GlcNAc influenced CD4+ T-cell polarization Acalabrutinib rather than proliferation. Thereto, naive OVA-specific CD4+CD62Lhigh T cells were co-cultured with neo-glycoprotein-pulsed CD11C+ splenic DCs and 1 wk later production of cytokines related to Th1-, Th2 and Th17-differentiation was analyzed using flow cytometry. We compared this with the profile of T cells differentiated by native OVA pulsed CD11C+ splenic DCs. DCs targeted with either neo-glycoconjugate

generated significantly higher frequencies of IFNγ-producing CD4+ T cells compared to native OVA-loaded DCs (Fig. 4, left panel). By contrast, OVA-3-sulfo-LeA and OVA-tri-GlcNAc either reduced or did not affect the frequency of IL4 or IL17-producing T cells, respectively (Fig. 4, middle and right panel). These data imply that 3-sulfo-LeA- and tri-GlcNAc-glycosylated antigens that target efficiently to the MR on DCs result in induction

of IFNγ-producing effector T cells. As targeting of the MR with OVA-3-sulfo-LeA and OVA-tri-GlcNAc resulted in enhanced cross-presentation to CD8+ T cells, we investigated the intracellular routing of native OVA and OVA-3-sulfo-LeA into BMDCs derived from C57BL/6 and MR−/− mice. To this end, BMDCs were incubated with fluorescent-labeled OVA or OVA-3-sulfo-LeA. Two hours later, cells were washed and co-stained for MR, EEA-1 (endosomal marker) or LAMP-1 (lysosomal marker) and analyzed using confocal microscopy. We observed that OVA and OVA-3-sulfo-LeA Amino acid (red) that bind to the MR (green, co-localization with

OVA appears yellow) co-localized with the endosomal marker EEA-1 (blue, co-localization OVA-MR-EEA-1=cyan) (Fig. 5A and B). This co-localization is also clearly observed when fluorescence images are converted into histograms (indicated by arrows). Surprisingly, we observed that co-localization of the MR-bound OVA-3-sulfo-LeA with EEA-1 was higher compared to native OVA. In addition, we assessed that the internalized OVA-3-sulfo-LeA did not co-localize with the lysosomal marker LAMP-1, but only with the MR (data not shown). The uptake of OVA and OVA-3-sulfo-LeA in BMDCs derived from MR−/− was dramatically decreased (Fig. 5C and D). These data correlate with the data on binding and antigen presentation demonstrating that OVA-3-sulfo-LeA targeted to the MR results in increased internalization of antigen to the endosomal compartment to facilitate loading of antigen to MHC class I molecules leading to enhanced cross-presentation to CD8+ T cells. Here, we show that DC-expressed MR is capable of binding sulfated glycans such as 3-sulfo-LeA or GlcNAc besides mannose glycans, present on native OVA.

Thus, it is very likely that local GCs contribute to the generati

Thus, it is very likely that local GCs contribute to the generation of both memory B cells and plasma cells. In light of the reviewed data, what can be concluded about

memory B cells? Are there five different subsets, four layers or two layers? It would appear that the model system used to study mouse memory B cells is important for the outcome as they elicit different responses with regard to the duration of the primary (and secondary) response, persistence Panobinostat ic50 of GCs and memory subsets. It is also dependent on the dose and type of antigen, the time interval between immunizations, as well as the markers used to define memory B cells. Nevertheless, the reviewed data would argue that there are two pathways to formation of memory B cells, one that is GC-dependent and one that is not, as discussed Daporinad mw under (3). Both these pathways require T cell help and give rise to IgM as well as isotype-switched memory B cells. Whether these two

pathways give rise to the multiple layers as discussed under (2) is a possibility but presently unclear. Even five subsets of switched and non-switched memory B cells, as discussed under (1), could fit in with two pathways, perhaps representing different phases of the immune response. Along one of the pathways, memory B cells would be generated that express unmutated antibodies that protects the host against variants of the invader, whereas the other pathway would generate memory B cells that rapidly respond with high affinity, mutated and isotype-switched antibodies and provides a defense against rechallange with the same antigen. Ti antigens can also mount a memory response with both isotype-switched and unswitched B cells. Under autoimmune conditions, the autoreactive immune response might initially follow the same pathways as those find more driven by exogenous antigens. However, as

the disease-causing autoantibodies mainly are mutated and isotype-switched, this may indicate that the constant presence of autoantigens skews the response towards chronic GCs and perpetual production of GC-dependent memory B cells and autoantibody-producing plasma cells [60, 64, 65]. The mechanisms determining the fate of the B cell, that is, what makes the cell go down the early memory B versus the GC B cell pathway, and what makes a GC B cell differentiate into a memory B rather than a plasma cell, are still unclear [3, 10, 11, 32, 66, 67]. Whether a single signal, or several, directs a B cell down a certain path is not fully understood, perhaps it is under the influence of both intrinsic and external signals, for instance antibody feedback mechanisms [3, 10, 11, 67-69].

Animal studies have demonstrated a linear association between FGF

Animal studies have demonstrated a linear association between FGF-23 and phosphate; however, human trials have reported a variable rise in FGF-23 levels following phosphate-loading.31–33 This highlights the complexity of phosphate regulation in humans. It is likely that FGF-23 is not the only mediator of increasing Y-27632 in vitro phosphate excretion, and that other phosphatonins (frizzled-related protein-4, fibroblast growth factor-7, matrix extracellular phosphoglycoprotein)34 play an additional role which is currently

poorly understood. The stimulation of FGF-23 by phosphate may be dependent on its dose, duration of exposure, bone derived co-factors and the severity and chronicity of CKD. It is also unclear as to whether serum or local phosphate concentrations provide the primary stimulus for FGF-23 secretion. FGF-23 has an inhibitory effect on PTH secretion; however, FGF-23 secretion may also occur in response to PTH levels. It is not known whether this occurs through a negative feedback loop mechanism or is conferred by the effects of PTH on calcitriol and serum phosphate (Fig. 1).26 The interaction between FGF-23 and Klotho may be selleckchem necessary for normal phosphate metabolism. However, it is possible that high levels of FGF-23, as seen in CKD patients can exert a Klotho-independent effect, and bind to FGF-R with low affinity.13 This is supported by decreased expression

of Klotho in renal biopsies from CKD patients.35 The expression of Klotho occurs predominantly in the distal tubules, and the signalling sequence that leads to decreased phosphate absorption in the proximal tubules remains unclear.36 FGF-23 levels are increased early in CKD and cross-sectional studies involving patients with a wide range of glomerular filtration rates (GFR), demonstrate an inverse relationship with renal function.37–39 The increase in FGF-23 levels observed in CKD may in part be a physiological response to restore normal serum phosphate levels.

Proposed mechanisms include reducing renal tubular phosphate re-absorption, as well as decreasing circulating calcitriol levels (by downregulation of 1α-hydroxylase Baricitinib and upregulation of 24-hydroxylase) with resultant decreased intestinal phosphate absorption.40 Calcitriol is involved in a feedback loop, via liganded vitamin D receptor (VDR) binding to the FGF-23 promoter.41 It is therefore increasingly likely that early FGF-23 release, rather than decreasing renal mass and subsequent reduced 1α-hydroxylase function, constitutes the main mechanism leading to the biochemical changes that characterize SHPT. Recently reported clinical studies support a phosphate-centric, FGF-23-mediated pathogenesis of SHPT (Fig. 2). One study involving 125 CKD stage 1–3 patients reported elevated FGF-23 and PTH levels inversely associated with estimated GFR (eGFR), and positively associated with increased urinary fractional excretion of phosphate.

In this study we have addressed the potential utility of immunoth

In this study we have addressed the potential utility of immunotherapy Cisplatin using regulatory T cells (Treg) to treat murine autoimmune cholangitis. In particular, we have taken advantage of our ability to produce portal inflammation and bile duct cell loss by transfer of CD8+ T cells from the dominant negative form of transforming growth factor beta receptor type II (dnTGF-βRII) mice to recombination-activating gene (Rag)1–/– recipients. We then used this robust established adoptive transfer system and co-transferred CD8+ T cells from dnTGF-βRII mice with either C57BL/6 or dnTGF-βRII forkhead box protein 3 (FoxP3+) T cells. Recipient mice were monitored for histology,

including portal inflammation and intralobular biliary cell damage, and also included a study of the phenotypical changes in recipient lymphoid populations and local and systemic cytokine production. Importantly, we report herein that adoptive transfer of Treg from C57BL/6 but not dnTGF-βRII

mice significantly reduced the pathology of autoimmune cholangitis, including decreased portal inflammation and bile duct damage as well as down-regulation of the secondary inflammatory response. Further, to define the mechanism of check details action that explains the differential ability of C57BL/6 Treg versus dnTGF-βRII Treg on the ability to down-regulate autoimmune cholangitis, we noted significant differential expression of glycoprotein A repetitions predominant (GARP), CD73, CD101 and CD103 and a functionally significant increase in interleukin (IL)-10 in Treg from C57BL/6 compared to dnTGF-βRII mice. Our data reflect the therapeutic potential of wild-type CD4+ FoxP3+ Treg in reducing the excessive T cell responses of autoimmune cholangitis, which has significance for the potential immunotherapy of PBC. “
“Cryptosporidium parvum infects intestinal Celecoxib epithelial cells and is commonly the parasite

species involved in mammalian cryptosporidiosis, a major health problem for humans and neonatal livestock. In mice, immunologically mediated elimination of C. parvum requires CD4+ T cells and IFN-γ. However, innate immune responses also have a significant protective role in both adult and neonatal mice. NK cells and IFN-γ have been shown to be important components in immunity in T and B cell-deficient mice, but IFN-γ-dependent resistance has also been demonstrated in alymphocytic mice. Epithelial cells may play a vital role in immunity as once infected these cells have increased expression of inflammatory chemokines and cytokines and demonstrate antimicrobial killing mechanisms, including production of NO and antimicrobial peptides. Toll-like receptors facilitate the establishment of immunity in mice and are involved in the development of inflammatory responses of infected epithelial cells and also dendritic cells. Around 20 recognized species of the apicomplexan Cryptosporidium infect the gastro-intestinal tract of vertebrates.

For example, CD8αβ did not contact the α2 and β2m domains of H-2D

For example, CD8αβ did not contact the α2 and β2m domains of H-2Dd, which reduced the buried surface area of this complex compared with murine pMHCI–CD8αα. Accumulated structural evidence of TCR–pMHC interactions

has shown that the TCR binds with a conserved general topology, with the TCR α-chain positioned over the N-terminus of the peptide and the TCR β-chain over the C-terminus.[30] It has been postulated that this binding mode is essential to allow co-receptor binding to the same pMHC as the TCR at the cell surface (Fig. 1).[31] Hence, the CD8 co-receptor (and CD4 co-receptor) may have a role in governing the conserved binding mode of the TCR to allow the formation of a functional signalling complex at the T-cell surface.[32] Indeed, Kuhns and Davis[33] have shown that the ectodomains of CD3εδ and CD3εγ, that constitute an important Ivacaftor cell line selleck part of the TCR signalling complex, associate with the Cα DE and

Cβ CC’ loops, respectively, within the constant domain of the TCR (Fig. 3a). In this study, mutation of these conserved loops disrupted the formation of the TCR–CD3 signalling domain and subsequent T-cell activation. So it seems that these CD3 subunits, that contain intracellular tyrosine kinase activation motifs and play an important role in providing T-cell activation signals, form specific interactions with the TCR, fixing their position at the cell surface with respect to the TCR. Yin et al.[32] showed that the structure of the tripartite TCR–pMHCII–CD4 complex is compatible with this notion. Assuming that the TCR and co-receptor co-engage the same pMHC at the cell surface, the fixed polarity of the TCR–pMHC interaction beta-catenin inhibitor could orientate the co-receptor in such a way as to

allow the CD3 molecules to lie between the TCR and co-receptor (Fig. 3a,b). This would position the intracellular signalling domains of CD3 and the co-receptor in close proximity to enable cross-signalling during antigen engagement. If the TCR bound in the reverse polarity, with the TCR β-chain over the peptide N-terminus and the TCR α-chain over the C-terminus, the CD3 complex would lie distal from the co-receptor, and this could presumably reduce the efficiency of the T-cell activation signal between the co-receptor and the CD3 complex (Fig. 3c,d). Adding further support to the idea that the T-cell co-receptors can influence the nature of TCR antigen recognition, Van Laethem et al.[34] have shown that the CD4 and CD8 co-receptors impose MHC-restriction on T cells by preventing Lck availability during TCR interactions with non-MHC antigens. Indeed, in the absence of the co-receptors T cells develop with antibody-like specificities that can respond to other cell surface molecules, such as CD155.

We also developed a bioinformatics method to predict pMHC-I stabi

We also developed a bioinformatics method to predict pMHC-I stability, which suggested that 30% of the nonimmunogenic binders hitherto classified as “holes in the T-cell repertoire” can be explained as being unstably

bound to MHC-I. Finally, we suggest that nonoptimal anchor residues in position 2 of the peptide are particularly prone to cause unstable interactions Ku-0059436 with MHC-I. We conclude that the availability of accurate predictors of pMHC-I stability might be helpful in the elucidation of MHC-I restricted antigen presentation, and might be instrumental in future search strategies for MHC-I epitopes. Major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) plays a pivotal role in the generation of specific immune responses mediated

by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). MHC-I molecules sample peptides derived from intracellular proteins, translocate them to the cell surface, and display them to CTLs, allowing immune scrutiny of the ongoing intracellular metabolism leading to the detection of the presence of any intracellular pathogens. To fulfill this crucial antigen presenting function, MHC-I molecules must be endowed with the ability to retain bound peptides at the cell surface while waiting for the arrival of rare circulating CTL clones of the appropriate specificity. Sustained presentation at the cell surface and induction of specific immune T-cell responses therefore requires

some Z-VAD-FMK concentration degree of pMHC-I stability. Indeed, it has been claimed that stability, rather than affinity, of pMHC-I complexes is the better correlate of immunogenicity and immunodominance [[1-5]]. Experimentally, however, affinity remains the most frequently Ureohydrolase established correlate of immunogenicity. Thus, when Assarsson et al. [[6]] recently conducted a quantitative analysis of the variables affecting the repertoire of T-cell specificities recognized after vaccinia virus infection, they found that the vast majority of epitopes (85%) bound their restricting allele with an affinity of 500 nM or better, and most (75%) bound with an affinity of 100 nM or better. Investigating the stability of pMHC-I complexes for a small sample of immunogenic and nonimmunogenic peptides, they found a suggestive, but not statistically significant, trend for off-rates and immunodominance being correlated. The authors concluded that “in our hands, peptide stability did not correlate significantly better with immunodominance than did equilibrium binding measurements”. One reason why pMHC stability has not been addressed more extensively undoubtedly relates to the cumbersome and/or low-throughput nature of current biochemical methods used to measure the dissociation of pMHC complexes [[6-12]]. A particularly interesting dissociation assay developed by Parker et al.