In order to provide a strong test of this prediction, subjects we

In order to provide a strong test of this prediction, subjects were divided into two groups. In both groups, 40p outcomes were signaled at the time of delivery. In groupS (signaled group), 0p outcomes were also signaled. Hence, each successive time-step after the CS was more

likely to contain an outcome (and thus a reward) as the subject knew that the outcome had not yet been delivered. The hazard function thus increased monotonically through the trial (Figure 3B; inverted function shown in green). In groupU (unsignaled group), 0p outcomes were unsignaled. In this group, the passage of time initially increased the chances of imminent reward (as the peak delivery time approached), and then decreased these chances BKM120 as it became increasingly likely that the crucial time had passed, resulting in a hazard function that was approximately quadratic and peaking at 6 s (Figure 3B; inverted function shown in red). Because of these group differences in hazard functions, we predicted different BOLD responses to an unexpected reward in the two groups (Figure 3B). Pfizer Licensed Compound Library cost We tested

the two hazard functions on the BOLD response to unexpected rewards (for details regarding the general linear model [GLM] see Experimental Procedures). Parameter estimates for both hazard functions were extracted from the VTA ROI. In both groups, VTA data conformed to predictions: the monotonic hazard function predicted data from groupS (t13 = 2.60, p = 0.022), and the quadratic hazard function predicted data from however groupU (t13 = 4.22, p = 0.001), but not vice versa (both p > 0.05; Figure 3C). Furthermore, this difference survived the stringency of a formal

between-group comparison (ANOVA group × hazard function, F1,52 = 5.18, p = 0.027). Hence, in both groups an unexpected reward delivered early leads to a stronger response than an unexpected reward delivered at an expected time; however, an unexpected late reward only leads to a strong response in groupU, where the temporal hazard function decreases late in the trial. This effect can be seen in the raw BOLD time courses extracted from the VTA, plotted separately for short, middle and long CS-US intervals (Figure S3). Although we found that the BOLD response to the CS increased in proportion to the expected reward for fixed timing trials, there was no such effect for variable timing trials. There was a general increase in BOLD signal in response to variable cue onset (p < 0.001, t27 > 4.0) but this increase did not distinguish between the three reward conditions (p > 0.3; Figure S3). Overall, effects of variable timing cues showed a trend toward being smaller than those of fixed timing cues (t27 = 1.99, p = 0.057, comparing responses to any fixed timing CS to those evoked by any variable timing CS), rendering it possible that any effects were too small for such a scaling to be detectable.

9% ± 17 6%; after: 356 2% ± 44 9%; n =

9; p = 0 011; soma

9% ± 17.6%; after: 356.2% ± 44.9%; n =

9; p = 0.011; soma; before: 182.9% ± 16.6%; after 336.8% ± 65.2%; n = 9; p = 0.036; Figure 5D). When 5 PF pulses were applied at 50 Hz (dendritic EPSP 1 = 0.91 ± 0.12mV; n = 8; Figure 5C) we observed a similar EPSP facilitation, which, however, resulted in more pronounced spike activity in the dendritic recordings (Figure 5C), rendering analysis of EPSP amplitudes impractical. After repeated current injections, the number of spike components per EPSP was significantly increased for EPSPs 4 + 5 (n = 8; EPSP 4: selleckchem p = 0.040; EPSP 5: p = 0.036; Figure 5E). In the presence of apamin (10 nM), the EPSP increase during a 10 Hz EPSP train was enhanced as compared to control (% change EPSP 5 relative to EPSP 1; dendrite; control: 229.6% ± 25.2%; n = 10; apamin: 322.8% ± 12.9%; n = 7; p = 0.006; soma; control: 193.2% ± 12.7%; n = 10; apamin: 304.8 ± 15.8; n = 7; p = 0.0001; Figures 6A and 6C). In the presence of apamin, the number of spikes evoked by EPSPs 4+5 in a 50Hz train was also increased compared to control (control: n = 10; apamin: n = 7; EPSP 4: p = 0.015; EPSP 5: p = 0.042; Figures 6B and 6D). These observations show that

dendritic plasticity does not affect single PF-EPSPs, but increases EPSP trains, thereby enhancing the probability that strong PF inputs reach spike threshold. A similar amplification is seen in the presence of apamin, suggesting that SK channel downregulation enhances PF burst signaling. The data show that dendritic responses as diverse as CF-evoked potentials, PF-EPSP trains PARP inhibitor and Na+ spikes can be amplified, via downregulation of SK2 channel activity, by spatially unspecific activation patterns such as somatic depolarization or strong PF activation, suggesting that this type of dendritic plasticity can occur throughout large neuronal domains. Consistent with this, immunostaining shows SK2 expression throughout

the Purkinje cell dendrite (Belmeguenai et al., 2010). To determine whether dendritic plasticity may be restricted to selectively activated areas of Cediranib (AZD2171) the dendritic tree, we performed triple-patch experiments in which recordings were simultaneously obtained from two distinct dendritic locations and the soma. The two dendritic patch electrodes were either placed on two different branches (Figures 7A and 7B), or on the same branch, but at different distances from the soma (Figure 7C). Figure 7D shows depolarization-evoked Na+ spikes (left) and synaptically evoked CF responses (right) that were monitored on the same branch. As predicted from double-patch recordings performed at various distances from the soma (Figures 1A–1D), the Na+ spike amplitude was smaller at more distal dendritic locations (here 125 μm as compared to 70 μm), whereas the CF response amplitude was distance independent.


The Gefitinib order identified functional network also reveals a striking genetic complexity of autism. The genetic events we observe affect

the whole arc of molecular processes essential for proper synapse formation and function. Similar genetic complexity is already apparent in many cancers (Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network, 2008 and Wood et al., 2007) and—as we and others believe—will be a hallmark of many other common human phenotypes and maladies (Wang et al., 2010). In spite of the observed complexity, our study provides an important proof of the principle that underlying functional networks responsible for common phenotypes can be identified by an unbiased analysis of multiple rare genetic perturbations from a large collection of affected individuals. The functional network presented in Figure 3 contains approximately 70 genes, with about 40% of them perturbed by rare de novo CNVs observed by Levy et al. (2011). As more genetic data are analyzed it is likely that the network will grow in size and significance. Considering that up to a thousand (Sheng and Hoogenraad, 2007) distinct proteins are associated with postsynaptic density or that hundreds of different GAPs/GEFs modify activity of Rho GTPases that are associated with actin network remodeling, IWR-1 clinical trial it is likely that many hundreds of genes could ultimately contribute to the autistic phenotype. This estimate, based on the functional

network, is consistent with independent estimates based on recurrent mutations and the overall incidence of autism in the human population (Zhao et al., 2007 and Levy et al., 2011). Deleterious variants in different genes contributing to autistic phenotype will almost certainly have different penetrance and vulnerabilities. The identification of the complete set of genes responsible for ASD and understanding their respective contributions to the phenotype not will require analyses of next

generation sequencing data coupled with investigation of underlying molecular networks. In our analysis, we used the CNV data set obtained in a companion study by Levy et al. (2011). The data set contained 75 rare de novo CNV events from autistic children. Six very large CNV events, spanning more than 5 mb each, were not considered in our analysis. The initial CNV dataset contained several overlapping events, including a set of 10 events all within the region 16p11.2. Any overlapping CNVs were collapsed into single events to avoid double counting of genes. We ignored all CNV events that did not contain any annotated human gene based on the NCBI genome build 36. After aforementioned preprocessing steps, our final CNV set from autistic children contained 47 loci in total affecting 433 human genes; the average number of genes within each de novo CNV region was ∼9, with the median of three genes per regions. Levy et al. (2011) also identified 157 ultrarare inherited CNVs transmitted between parents and autistic children.

Integration models thus capture and help to explain the intuition

Integration models thus capture and help to explain the intuition that optimal performance under uncertainty benefits from prolonged processing time. In addition to accounting for a range of human behavioral data, simultaneous recordings of neural activity in primates have shown neural correlates resembling the integrator variables posited in the models (Roitman and Shadlen, 2002;

Ratcliff and Smith, 2004). Studies of odor discrimination in rats have suggested, somewhat counterintuitively, that under some circumstances decision making shows little benefit from increased sampling beyond a find more single sniff (Uchida and Mainen,

2003; Uchida et al., 2006). These experiments used a two-alternative forced-choice task in which eight different binary odor mixture stimuli were randomly interleaved and rewarded according to a categorical boundary. As mixture ratios approached the category boundary, choice accuracy dropped to near chance, yet odor sampling time increased only 30 ms (Uchida and Mainen, 2003). One possible explanation for the failure of subjects in this study to slow down their responses in the face of more uncertain decisions is that they may have always set a relatively low evidence threshold, leading to consistently rapid responses at a cost of accuracy (Khan and Sobel, 2004). A key prediction of this untested “SAT hypothesis” is that, given the right incentives and during training, rats should be able to change their speed-accuracy tradeoff and respond more slowly and accurately. An alternative explanation is that the subjects were making optimal decisions but that integration would not be helpful for improving accuracy in this task. Can’t additional

information always improve a decision? How could integration fail to improve accuracy of uncertain decisions? One plausible explanation is that integrator models assume decision accuracy is limited by stimulus noise that is temporally white (uncorrelated in time). Temporal correlations in decision noise can defeat an integrator by limiting the ability of averaging to improve signal-to-noise ratio, thereby diminishing the benefits of repeated sampling (Uchida et al., 2006). In the limit, if noise fluctuations are completely correlated within a trial (i.e., only varying across trials), then the benefits of temporal integration within a single trial disappear entirely.

The activity of layer 2/3 principal neurons, however, generates a

The activity of layer 2/3 principal neurons, however, generates an excitation-inhibition ratio that differs between layers:

it favors inhibition within its own layer but is biased toward excitation in layer 5 (Adesnik and Scanziani, 2010). What is the relative contribution of excitation and inhibition in firing cortical neurons, for example in response to a sensory stimulus? Despite the simplicity of this question, one factor that has limited our understanding of how the excitation-inhibition ratio influences cortical processing is the paucity of in vivo intracellular recording analyzing the relative contribution of the two opposing conductances during sensory stimulation. High-quality, whole-cell voltage clamp recordings are still the gold standard

for distinguishing excitatory selleck chemical and inhibitory Buparlisib chemical structure conductances within individual cells; further improvements of this method for in vivo studies, particularly in awake, behaving animals, are essential. The rate at which the firing of a neuron increases in response to increasing excitatory input, i.e., the slope of the input-output relationship, is called gain and is a property that describes how neurons integrate incoming signals. This slope is not fixed but can be modulated, a phenomenon that goes under the name of gain control (Carvalho and Buonomano, 2009, Chance et al., 2002, Mitchell and Silver, 2003 and Shu et al., 2003). Changes in gain are often referred to as multiplicative (or divisive) because for a pure change

in slope the firing probability of the neuron is affected by the same factor across a wide range of inputs. Neurons in the visual cortex offer a classical example of gain modulation, where two independent properties of a visual stimulus, contrast, and orientation, interact in a multiplicative manner in generating spike output (Anderson et al., 2000, Carandini and Heeger, 1994, Miller, 2003 and Sclar and Freeman, 1982). Specifically, increasing the contrast of the stimulus increases the spike output of the neuron by a given factor, no matter what the orientation of the stimulus is. As a consequence, the stimulus selective output of a neuron for a particular orientation already remains the same at each contrast. This illustrates that changes in gain, while modulating the responsiveness of a neuron to a stimulus, do not affect the representation of that stimulus in the cortex. Gain modulation in cortex is a very general phenomenon that is proposed to play a role at every level of sensory processing, including modulation of visual responses by gaze direction (Andersen and Mountcastle, 1983) and attention (Williford and Maunsell, 2006). Though the precise mechanisms of gain modulation in the cortex still need to be elucidated, several theoretical models and some experimental observations indicate that synaptic inhibition is likely to play a key role.

The last decade has witnessed much progress in our understanding

The last decade has witnessed much progress in our understanding of the cellular and subcellular mechanisms underlying direction selectivity.

To a large extent, this is due to the application of advanced optical as well as genetic methods to this problem. Optical methods are indispensible whenever different anatomical compartments of a neuron turn out to be electrically separated, operating almost in isolation from the rest of the cell, such as the different dendritic branches of a SAC in the vertebrate retina (Euler et al., 2002) and GSI-IX in vivo the output terminals versus the dendrite of lamina cells (Reiff et al., 2010) or the dendrite of lobula plate tangential cells in the fly (Elyada et al., 2009). Looking at the corresponding circuits at the ultrastructural level reveals an intriguing complexity, both within the IPL of the retina (Briggman et al., 2011) as well as in the columns of the insect optic lobe (Takemura et al., 2008). The above examples demonstrate that this complexity has to be taken into account when modeling the corresponding circuits (e.g., Poleg-Polsky and Diamond, 2011, Schachter et al., 2010 and Hausselt et al., 2007). Another amazing fact is how much effort over so many years had to be invested in this one single problem of direction

selectivity in order to achieve the current level of understanding, a problem that, in terms of computation and information processing, seems quite modest (telling leftward from rightward), compared to the complex intellectual capabilities of humans. Our hope is that understanding this simple Sirolimus supplier neural computation of direction selectivity in full detail will provide an important stepping stone toward our understanding of more complex functions of the nervous system. T.E. is supported by the DFG (EXC

307); A.B. is supported by the Max-Planck-Society and by the DFG (SFB 870). “
“The beneficial effects of appropriate physical activity (PA), physical fitness, and diet during adult life are well-documented but the potential of appropriate PA, physical fitness, and diet to confer benefits on health and mafosfamide well-being during childhood and adolescence has not been explored fully. Recognizing the value of critical reviews of the extant literature in providing a foundation for future research, the Journal of Sport and Health Science (JSHS) has commissioned two Special Issues devoted to the exercising child and adolescent. The content of the current issue is analysed below and the second Special Issue focussing on PA and the sick child will be published in the JSHS in 2013. In the first paper in this issue Armstrong1 reviews young people’s habitual PA (HPA) and aerobic fitness and examines time trends in the data. He critically analyses the assessment and interpretation of HPA and concludes that although only ∼60%–70% of young people satisfy current health-related guidelines young people’s HPA appears to have stabilised over the last 20 years.

, 1994, Boyden et al , 2006, De Zeeuw et al , 1998, Feil et al ,

, 1994, Boyden et al., 2006, De Zeeuw et al., 1998, Feil et al., 2003, Hansel et al., 2006, Kim and see more Thompson, 1997 and Koekkoek et al., 2003). For example, blockade of LTD induction by interference with the mGluR1/PKC, PKG, or αCamKII pathways all resulted in impairment of VOR adaptation (Aiba et al., 1994, De Zeeuw et al., 1998, Feil et al., 2003 and Hansel et al., 2006). Still, these studies were not conclusive, because pharmacological blocking

of LTD did not affect eyeblink conditioning (Welsh et al., 2005), and training without instructive signals from the climbing fibers partially allowed VOR adaptation (Ke et al., 2009). In principle the positive correlations found in the mouse mutants in which induction of LTD was affected could be attributed to the fact that the affected receptors and kinases mediate upstream signaling in a highly divergent fashion. Each kinase has many substrates, most of which are not involved in PF-PC LTD and could affect both baseline function of the cerebellar network and other forms of synaptic and nonsynaptic plasticity in the cerebellum (Chen and Tonegawa, 1997, Hansel et al., 2006 and Kano et al., 1996). Here we investigated the role of PF-PC LTD in cerebellar motor learning by RO4929097 ic50 testing three different mutant mice in which blockade of PF-PC LTD expression is achieved by the targeting of late events in the LTD signaling

cascade, i.e., downstream at the level of the GluRs and the related proteins that control their trafficking (Steinberg et al., 2006). The mutants are the PICK1 most knockout (KO) mouse, the GluR2Δ7 knockin (KI) mouse, and the GluR2K882A KI mouse (Figure 1A). The homozygous PICK1 KO mouse lacks PICK1, an essential intermediary between PKC activation and internalization of the AMPA receptor (Xia et al., 2000). The GluR2Δ7 KI mouse lacks the last seven amino acids of the C-terminal tail; this mutation eliminates the C-terminal type II PDZ ligand and disrupts the interaction of GluR2 with PICK1 and

GRIP1/2 (Steinberg et al., 2006 and Xia et al., 2000). Finally, and most specifically, the GluR2K882A KI mouse contains a mutated form of GluR2 that incorporates a single lysine mutation in the consensus recognition motif for PKC (S/T-X-K/R) and thereby prevents phosphorylation at S880 by PKC and internalization of the AMPA receptor while leaving the PDZ ligand and phosphorylation by other kinases functionally intact (Chung et al., 2003, Kemp and Pearson, 1990, Steinberg et al., 2006, Wang and Linden, 2000 and Xia et al., 2000). Thus, all three types of mutant mice lack expression of cerebellar LTD, although their upstream induction pathways are not directly affected (Steinberg et al., 2006). All three types of mutant mice were subjected to VOR adaptation, eyeblink conditioning, and locomotion learning on the Erasmus Ladder to cover a wide range of cerebellar learning behaviors (De Zeeuw et al., 1998, Koekkoek et al., 2003 and Van Der Giessen et al., 2008).

Our analysis so far has led us to propose that BMP7 helps to bloc

Our analysis so far has led us to propose that BMP7 helps to block the formation of the corpus callosum by inhibiting callosal pioneer axon outgrowth, thereby inhibiting

formation of the corpus callosum until such time as Wnt3 expression begins in the pioneer MK-2206 cost neurons and antagonizes the effects of BMP7, allowing initial callosal axon outgrowth. This left us with one significant puzzle: why were the Msx2-Cre;Ctnnb1lox(ex3) mice missing the expression of Wnt3? We hypothesized that another secreted factor normally produced by the meninges was also overexpressed in the mutants and that this factor helps to regulate Wnt3 expression in the cingulate cortex. Our thoughts immediately turned to the Gdf5/6/7 inhibitory molecule Dan ( Dionne et al., 2001), which some time ago we showed is expressed by the meninges ( Kim and Pleasure, 2003). In that same study, we also showed that one of the ligands that Dan inhibits, Gdf5, is expressed by the Cajal-Retzius cells, but we were unable at that time to identify any functional significance for this pattern of expression ( Kim and Pleasure, 2003). Interestingly, the Cajal-Retzius cells are the most high throughput screening compounds superficial cortical neurons in layer

1 and lie immediately adjacent to the cingulate crotamiton pioneer neurons in the medial cortex. To test the role of these factors, we examined the expression of Gdf5 and Dan in the mutant mice and found that Gdf5 is expressed in Cajal-Retzius cells in both control and mutant mice (Figures 8A and 8C), and the expanded meninges in the mutant express abundant Dan (Figures 8B and 8B′), implying that the levels of this inhibitor were increased in the vicinity. We also performed double labeling in the dorsal neocortex using Calretinin as a Cajal-Retzius cell marker (in the cingulate Calretinin stains, both

pathfinding neurons and Cajal-Retzius cells, but, in the rest of the cortex, Calretinin is a selective marker for Cajal-Retzius cells) and confirmed that Gdf5 was coexpressed by Cajal-Retzius cells, whereas Dan was expressed in the overlying meninges (Figure 8C). We then examined whether electroporation of Gdf5 in the midline of the cortex at E12.5 is sufficient to induce early Wnt3 expression by E14.5 and found that, indeed, Gdf5 electroporation induces low levels of Wnt3 expression in the medial cortex ( Figure 8D). Thus, our model is that Wnt3 expression in the cingulate pioneer neurons is normally positively controlled by GDF5 activity from the adjacent Cajal-Retzius neurons but that the excess meningeally produced Dan in the mutant leads to decreased expression of Wnt3 in the mutant embryos.

The biological actions of calcitriol are mediated through vitamin

The biological actions of calcitriol are mediated through vitamin D receptor (VDR). VDR is a member of the nuclear hormone receptor gene family and is a ligand-dependent transcription factor [8], [9] and [10]. The physiological importance of VDR in maintaining the integrity of mineral metabolism is indicated by the observation that patients with vitamin D deficiency and VDR gene knockout (VDRKO) mice both develop hypocalcemia

and rickets or osteomalacia [11], [12] and [13]. The intestinal and renal transepithelial transport of calcium in response to calcitriol is mediated by apical calcium ion channels of the transient receptor potential vanilloid subfamily 5 and 6 (TRPV5 and TRPV6), followed by cytosolic transport by calcium binding proteins (calbindin-D9k CP-868596 in vivo and calbindin-D28k) buy MK-2206 and extrusion across the basolateral membrane into the extracellular fluid by plasma membrane calcium ATPase (PMCA1b) and/or sodium-calcium exchanger (NCX1) [14]. Eldecalcitol (1α,25-dihydroxy-2β-(3-hydroxypropyloxy) vitamin D3), a new active vitamin D3 analog, has recently been approved for the treatment of osteoporosis in Japan. A Phase III clinical trial in patients with osteoporosis showed that eldecalcitol increased bone mineral density (BMD) and reduced the incidence of vertebral fracture with an efficacy greater than that of alfacalcidol [15]. It has also been shown that eldecalcitol

promotes urinary calcium excretion similarly to alfacalcidol, but has a lower potency to suppress blood PTH [16]. Eldecalcitol increases BMD and reduces bone turnover Thymidine kinase markers in normal, ovariectomized (OVX), and steroid-treated

rats, and also in patients with osteoporosis [17], [18], [19], [20] and [21]. Eldecalcitol is more active than calcitriol in stimulating calcium and phosphorus absorption in the intestine, as well as in increasing serum FGF-23 in normal rats [22]. However, administration of exogenous eldecalcitol or calcitriol affects the synthesis and/or degradation of endogenous calcitriol, and exogenous eldecalcitol or calcitriol competes with endogenous calcitriol for binding to VDR in target tissues. In the current study, we tried to evaluate the ‘true biological activity in vivo’ of each compound by comparing their biological activities with respect to their blood concentrations. Calcitriol was purchased from Wako Pure Chemical Industries (Osaka, Japan). Eldecalcitol was synthesized by Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan). VDRKO mice were kindly provided by Dr. S. Kato [11]. VDRKO mice were fed ad libitum with a rescue diet containing 2% calcium, 1.25% phosphorus, and 20% lactose (CLEA Japan, Tokyo, Japan) [23]; wild-type (WT) mice were fed normal rodent chow (CE-2; CLEA Japan). All animals were given free access to tap water and were maintained under specific pathogen free conditions with a 12-h light and dark cycle at 20–26 °C and humidity of 35–75%.

Note that the IPSPs remain hyperpolarizing throughout the

Note that the IPSPs remain hyperpolarizing throughout the

train of stimuli, including at the end of the stimulus, so the synaptic responses are not causing Osimertinib clinical trial the depolarizing offset response. The obvious candidate for such a depolarization is the hyperpolarization-activated nonspecific cation conductance, IH. Current injection into SPN neurons (under current-clamp conditions) generated hyperpolarization that clearly exhibited the characteristic slow sag of the membrane potential over a period of around 50 ms, indicative of IH activation (Figure 1C). Under voltage clamp, hyperpolarizing voltage steps from −61mV (Figure 2A) evoked an inward current with two components: first, a small instantaneous, ZD7288-insensitive leak current (II) that exhibited some inward rectification (Figures 2A and 2B)

and a mean conductance of 32.8 ± 2.9 nS (n = 40; EK = −90mV). Second, a more slowly activating and noninactivating inward current (IH) was observed. The magnitude of IH was measured by subtraction of the instantaneous current (II) from the sustained current (IS), giving a peak conductance Everolimus mw of 19.8 ± 1.3 nS (n = 40; EH = −40mV; Figure 2B). The IH current was inhibited by application of 20μM ZD7288 (n = 6; p ≤ 0.001; Figure 2B). The voltage dependence of IH activation was estimated from the tail currents (IT, inset in Figure 2A), to which a Boltzmann function fit gave a half-maximum activation of −88.2 ± 0.9mV with a slope of 7.5 ± 0.4mV (n = 30; Figure 2C). IH activation rate was measured on stepping to −130mV (n = 30) and fit to the sum of two exponentials with respective time constants of: τfast: 26.8 ± 1.9 ms and τslow: 180.6 ± 16.9 ms (Figure 2D) of which the fast component contributed mafosfamide 70.6%. The activation rates slowed at more positive voltages (τfast = 108.4 ± 6.1 ms at −70mV, n = 30) with an e-fold acceleration for 25mV hyperpolarization. We postulated that the fast time course of IH was due to the

expression of HCN1 subunits (Nolan et al., 2004). Recordings from HCN1 knockout mice (KO) showed that the peak IH current was indeed reduced to half that of the wild-type (WT; Figures 2A and 2B). The remaining IH current in the HCN1-KO activated at more negative voltages and with a much slower time-course, consistent with mediation by HCN2 subunits (Figures 2A, 2C, and 2D). Immunolabeling confirmed expression of HCN1 and HCN2 subunits in the SPN; HCN1 was predominantly associated with the somatic plasma membrane while HCN2 was largely expressed in the dendrites (Figures 2E and 2F; see also Figure S3). HCN3 and HCN4 were expressed at much lower levels or were absent from SPN cell bodies, but HCN4 staining was observed in trapezoid body axons (not shown). The presence of this large IH conductance with a half-activation around −88mV suggests that the role of incoming glycinergic IPSPs could be to activate this conductance.