We thus identified the primary cilium and the associated CTR as a signaling center able to convert extrinsic signals into morphological changes to influence cell movements. The mechanism(s) by which Shh signal influenced the organization of the MT GS-1101 mouse cytoskeleton and the subcellular distribution of the endomembrane system in the leading process of MGE cells, is unknown.
This cellular response to Shh signal has never been described previously. It nevertheless provides a cellular basis for better understanding the defects in long distance neuronal migration associated with mutations in centriolar ( Endoh-Yamagami et al., 2010) or basal body proteins, the so-called BBS proteins ( Tobin et al., 2008). It should help to further analyze abnormal cognitive functions associated to defects in primary cilium structure or function. Detailed description of methods in Supplemental Experimental Procedures. Mice from the following strains were used at embryonic or adult stage: Swiss (Janvier, France), Kif3afl/fl, Ift88fl/fl, and Nkx2.1-Cre; Rosa26R-GFP (or YFP). Our experimental procedures were reviewed and approved by the Regional Ethic Committee for Animal Experiment. Cultures prepared on plastic coverslips were fixed, embedded in araldite, contrasted and sectioned in semithin sections. Sections were used to acquire tomography series with an energy-filtered transmission
high-voltage electron microscope. Tomogram reconstruction and 3D models were performed Thymidine kinase with Etomo and IMOD softwares (Boulder University). MGE explants electroporated Selleckchem R428 with expression vectors (pCAG-EGFP, pCAG-Cre, pCAG-PACT-mKO1) were cultured on laminin, on dissociated cortical cells, or on cortical axons. They were imaged with an inverted epifluorescence microscope or with an inverted microscope equipped with a spinning disk, using either a ×40 or a ×63 immersion objective. Organotypic
slices from transgenic mice, and organotypic slices from wild-type mice grafted with MGE explants were cultured in Millicell chambers (Merck Millipore) and imaged with an epifluorescence macroscope (Olympus) or with an inverted microscope equipped with a spinning disk and a ×20 long distance objective. Pharmacological treatments were applied in the culture medium: Shh (N-Ter, R&D Systems, 2.5 μg/ml), SAG (Smo agonist, Calbiochem, 10 μM), or cyclopamine (Sigma-Aldrich, 2μM). Floating sections from embryonic or adult brains were immunostained with antibodies against GFP, parvalbumin, somatostatin, Nkx2.1, Gsx2, or AC3. Cultures were immunostained with antibodies against tubulin, γtubulin, cis-GA (GMAP210, AKAP450), or median GA (CTR433). MT plus- and minus-ends were revealed with EB1 and ninein antibodies. Shh ISH was performed on floating sections from embryonic brains. Softwares for data acquisition and analyses, see Supplemental Experimental Procedures.