The participation of the claimants had no influence on the statutory VX-689 mw disability claim assessment. Considering the alterations in IP’s judgments, it is imaginable that after implementation of the FCE in the claim procedure the results of the FCE assessment do have consequences for the claimants. This knowledge might affect the performance of claimants in FCE assessments. We have seen that professionals do take information from an FCE assessment seriously enough to alter their judgment
about the physical work ability in disability claim assessments of workers with MSDs. There is no reason to suppose that IPs would react differently to the FCE outcome when they would have received this information in an actual disability claim assessment. It is though imaginable that
when the level of performance is below what could be expected from Selleckchem CA-4948 that patient, and the FCE AZD1390 price results are lower than what the IP thought to be possible, that the IP will be less willing to follow the FCE results. For now, the finding that physicians take the information seriously supports the complementary value of FCE information in the assessment of disability claimants with MSDs. What we still do not know is whether the IP assessment of work ability in the context of disability claims is improved by adding FCE information to this judgment. One of the reasons is that no referent standard exists for physical work ability in claimants who do not have worked for more Protein kinase N1 than 2 years. Future studies should also focus on what specific information in the FCE report made IPs alter their judgment, or why they did not alter their judgment when the FCE results might give cause to an alteration. This
and other questions, like what patients are pre-eminently fit for these types of FCE assessments according to the IPs, are of interest before implementing FCE assessments as a standard routine in disability claim assessments. The results of these studies could be used for a follow-up study about the design of FCE methods, leading to perhaps shorter, less costly and more specific assessments. Conclusions Provision of FCE information results in IPs to change their judgment of the physical work ability of claimants with MSDs more often in the context of disability claim procedures. Change in judgment was in majority in line with the FCE results, both in the direction of more and less physical work ability. Therefore, FCE would seem to be a valuable new instrument to support IPs in judging the physical work ability of claimants. Acknowledgments This study was financially supported by a grant of the SIG (Stichting Instituut GAK), The Netherlands. Grant number: STIG-GV/02020021. Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.