Recent findings: The Symplicity HTN-1 (2009) and HTN-2 (2010) studies re-introduced an old treatment approach for resistant hypertension and showed that catheter-based RDN was feasible and resulted in substantial blood pressure (BP) reductions. However, they also raised questions of durability EPZ5676 of BP reduction, correct patient selection, anatomical and physiological effects of RDN as well as possible beneficial
effects on other diseases with increased sympathetic activity. The long awaited Symplicity HTN-3 (2014) results illustrated that the RDN group and the sham-group had similar reductions in BP. Summary: Initial studies demonstrated that RDN in patients with resistant hypertension was both feasible and safe and indicated that RDN may lead to impressive reductions in BP. However, recent controlled studies question the BP lowering effect of RDN treatment. Large-scale registry data still supports the favorable BP reducing effect of RDN. We suggest that, in the near future, RDN should not be performed outside clinical studies. The degree of denervation between individual operators and between different catheters and techniques used should be clarified. The major challenge ahead is to identify which patients
could benefit from RDN, to clarify the lack of an immediate procedural success parameter, and to establish further documentation of overall effect of treatment NCT-501 manufacturer such as long-term cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. (C) 2015 European Federation of Internal Medicine. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.”
“Background and Purpose-Distinguishing between symptoms
of posterior circulation infarction (PCI) and anterior circulation infarction (ACI) can be challenging. This study evaluated the frequency of symptoms/signs in the 2 vascular territories to determine the diagnostic value of particular symptoms/signs for PCI.\n\nMethods-Neurological Semaxanib in vitro deficits were reviewed and compared from 1174 consecutive patients with a diagnosis of PCI or ACI confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging in the Chengdu Stroke Registry. The diagnostic value of specific symptoms/signs for PCI was determined by measuring their sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and the OR.\n\nResults-Homolateral hemiplegia (PCI, 53.6% versus ACI, 74.9%; P<0.001), central facial/lingual palsy (PCI, 40.7% versus ACI, 62.2%; P<0.001), and hemisensory deficits (PCI, 36.4% versus ACI, 34.2%; P=0.479) were the 3 most common symptoms/signs in PCI and ACI. The signs with the highest predictive values favoring a diagnosis of PCI were Horner’s syndrome (4.0% versus 0%; P<0.001; PPV=100.0%; OR=4.00), crossed sensory deficits (3.0% versus 0%; P<0.001; PPV=100.0%; OR=3.98), quadrantanopia (1.3% versus 0%; P<0.001; PPV=100.0%; OR=3.93), oculomotor nerve palsy (4.0% versus 0%; P<0.001; PPV=100.0%; OR=4.00), and crossed motor deficits (4.0% versus 0.1%; P<0.001; PPV=92.3%; OR=36.