Kaplan Meier analysis of survival months after surgery according to MUC2 methylation index. 5 Aza CdR treatment in 7721 and Huh7 cells, but no change for Hep G2 cells. Additionally, qRT PCR assays found that the expression of MUC2 gene was induced 2 13. 4 Ct after TSA treatment in three cells. For the 5 Aza CdR TSA treatment, we found that a 7 8 Ct induction of MUC2 mRNA was detected in Seliciclib clinical 7721 and Huh7 cells. Taken together, the above results suggested that the expression of MUC2 can be activated by 5 Aza CdR Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries or TSA, and the effect on MUC2 expression is very various for different cells. Meanwhile, we observed the effects of 5 aza CdR and TSA on promoter methylation of MUC2 gene by MSP. According to MSP analysis, the MUC2 promoter was found to be hypermethylated in 7721 and Huh7, but partial methylation Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries in HepG2 cells.
The decreased tendency for Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries MUC2 mRNA in HCC patients with promoter hypermethylation. The results suggested that HCC showing hypermethylation of MUC2 promoter is considered to be silencing MUC2 mRNA expression. This study showed that MUC2 expression could be regulated by DNA methylation in the promoter region in HCC. We found that there is a significantly correlation found between MUC2 mRNA and HBV and AFP in HCC. In particular, the decreased expression of MUC2 and hypermethylation clearly identified patients with a poorer prognosis. One possible explanation could be that high level of HBV virus is an important factor to regulate methylation of MUC2 promoter in hepatocarcinogenesis. HBx was positively correlated with the DNMT1 and DNMT3A at both the mRNA and protein level.
And HBx expression could up regulate DNMT1, DNMT3A1, Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries and DNMT3A2 activities and selectively promoted demethylation of MUC2 was found by 5 aza CdR or TSA treatment in three cells. However, it showed differ ent effects on MUC2 methylation. These data suggested the demethylation of MUC2 promoter by epigenetic in hibitor could play an important role for reactivating gene expression. Discussion MUC2, as a secretory mucin with a central region composed of a tandem repeat sequences of 23 amino acids each, plays an important role for a physiological barrier against various aggressions of the underlying epithelia. Given the putative role of MUC2 in tumourigenesis, understanding the mechanisms that regulate its activity is critical for a complete understanding of MUC2 function in HCC.
The results Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries confirmed that MUC2 was lower expression in HCC tissues than corresponding normal tissues by Real time PCR. Meanwhile, 23 of HCC patients Cabozantinib msds were elevated for MUC2 mRNA, and 51 cases were decreased for MUC2 mRNA. MUC2 mRNA was a statistically sig nificant difference between HCC and non HCC tissues. However, the loss of MUC2 mRNA could play more com plex role in the pathogenesis of HCC. The regulatory mechanism of the MUC2 gene is unclear.