Climate change can impact on the range dynamics of species and can induce shifts in their distribution patterns. Understanding
and quantifying such climate change induced range shifts is important for conservation management and the planning of biotope corridors, but also for evaluating effects on newly AZD1480 mouse colonized habitats and for guiding adaptation measures. In the first paper of this issue, Buse et al. (2013) reconstructed the immigration of the oak-inhabiting jewel beetle Coraebus florentinus from Mediterranean forest ecosystems to Germany since the 1950s. Using three independent modelling approaches they analysed abiotic factors which determine the current spatial distribution of the beetle in southwest Germany. The authors link the range extension to the main factors of “mean maximum temperature” and “mean precipitation” in summer, which have both been altered by climate change see more during recent decades. The warmer and dryer conditions in southwest Germany favoured the reproduction and enabled the migration success of Coraebus florentinus. Considering current projections of climate change, the jewel beetle is expected to extend its range further north into Central Europe in the future and
might particularly affect young oak stands on sandy and dry sites. This calls for an adaptation of forest management for the conservation of species-rich oak stands and a revision of the conservation status and categorization of the beetle as a Tacrolimus (FK506) critically endangered species in Germany. The direct and indirect impacts of climatic alterations on Mediterranean forest ecosystems in Greece are the subject of the study by Chrysopolitou et al. (2013). Greece is projected to be among the most vulnerable countries to climate change in Europe. In this context, the presented study of climate change effects on the appearance
of fungal pathogens and bark beetle populations as well as on woody vegetation composition could be a valuable contribution to the development of adaptation measures in Mediterranean forest ecosystems in general. The authors collected evidence for the link between alterations in temperature and precipitation regimes and the outbreaks of pathogens, which jointly caused the dieback of tree species (especially conifer species), in four different mountainous study areas in Greece. However, the impacts on tree species composition have varied between the different study areas which in turn calls for the development of regionalized adaptation measures within forest and conservation management and further research on the underlying driving forces. The subsequent three papers focus on adaptation strategies and measures for forest and conservation management aimed at mitigating the impacts of climate change on forest biodiversity.