All selleck chemicals llc patients were iron replete and had received ESA for at least four months prior to the start of the study. Patients were excluded from this study if they had received a blood transfusion in the four months prior to the start of the study. Patients with congenital polycystic kidney diseases and acquired cystic kidney diseases detected by US imaging were excluded. Patients with any known blood disorders including G6PD deficiency, hemoglobinopathy, elevated white blood cell count 12 109 L and platelet count 600 109 L were excluded. Patients with anemia not due to ESRD including iron deficiency, vitamin B12 defi ciency, and folate deficiency were also excluded. Patients on maintenance HD with evidence of inflammation were excluded from this study.
Additionally, patients with hepatic disease, respiratory dis ease, and those taking antioxidant vitamin and fish oil sup plements were excluded from this study. ESA All patients with ESRD on maintenance HD included in the study were on the same type ESA administered on a per kilogram basis. The average weekly dose over the course of one year was calculated for each patient. Erythrocyte G6PD activity level Six ml of venous blood was collected from each patient just before the HD session to measure average erythrocyte G6PD activity. Quantitative assay of erythrocyte G6PD level was performed on freshly prepared hemolysates using a commercial kit. This method em ploys a modification of the spectrophotometric method. The assay of erythrocytes G6PD activity was begun with a determination of the hemoglobin level in an eth ylenediaminetetraacetic acid blood sample.
The hemolysate samples were subjected to RBC enzyme analysis as described by Beutler et al. G6PD activity in the hemolysate was measured by spectrophotometric assay at 340 nm and at 37C within 0 19 min after the hemolysate was introduced into the CX9 system. The calculated G6PD activity U L was con verted to G6PD activity U G Hb as follow, Group 1 included 45 patients with Kt V1. 2 and group 2 included 37 patients with Kt V1. 2. All patients underwent ultrasound examination of the kidneys to evaluate for cystic lesions. The Human Research Committee at Jordan University of Science and Technology and the Institutional Review The normal value was established by measuring erythro cyte G6PD activity in the control group. The normal value for erythrocyte G6PD was considered as the mean of con trol SD. Kt V and dialysis modality Standard HD had been provided for all patients using HD instruments with online meas urement capabilities. All patients used synthetic Polysulfone F series high performance steam capillary dialysis designed for single use. Patients were con sidered to have adequate hemodialysis if their Kt V ratio was 1. 2.