1) Picocyanobacteria 103 cell mL-1* 1.4 (±0.09) 1.5 (±0.06) Non-pigmented Euk. 102 cell mL -1 7.3 (±0.6) 7.2 (±0.6) Pigmented Euk. 103 cell mL -1 4.3 (±0.6) 4.4 (±0.6) Means values (±SD) are presented for the two sets of experimental microcosms (with and without nutrient addition) at T0, for nitrogen and phosphorus compounds, bacteria, viruses, picocyanobacteria, find more non-pigmented and pigmented small eukaryotes. * data obtained by flow-cytometry. Abundances
and structure of the small eukaryotic community The microscope counts showed that the eukaryotic community was largely dominated by pigmented cells (85.8% of total eukaryotes). Their mean abundance was 4.3 x103 cells mL-1 and 13 of the 26 OTUs identified at T0 from sequencing results were Quisinostat order affiliated to pigmented groups (Additional file 2: Table S1). Mamiellophyceae was the dominant group (nearly 83.7% of all pigmented eukaryotes observed by microscopy) and they were represented by 3 OTUs affiliated to Micromonas
pusilla and Ostreococcus tauri (Figure 2 Additional file 2: Table click here S1). The microscope observations allowed detection of other Viridiplantae at low densities. In particular, some Pyramimonadales (genus Cymbomonas) were observed but were not recorded among sequences at T0. The mean relative abundance of Cryptophyceae (4 OTUs) was 10.9%, while very low relative abundances of Bacillariophyceae (1 OTU) and Prymnesiophyceae (represented by Chrysochromulina-like cells, and 2 OTUs) were found by microscopy (Figure 2) and sequencing. Finally, Dinophyceae (cells larger than 6 μm) accounted for only 3% of total pigmented eukaryotes abundance, and was represented by 1 OTU (Figure 2 Additional Fenbendazole file 2: Table S1). Figure 2 A. Mean (±SD) abundance of pigmented and non-pigmented small eukaryotes (cell mL -1 ) at T0 and T96 h in each treatment. Mean values and SD were calculated from values obtained from treatment triplicates. B. Relative abundance of different groups
identified at T0 and T96 h in each treatment (data obtained from microscopic observation). The mean abundance of non-pigmented eukaryotes was 776 cells mL-1 at T0, accounting for about 15% of total eukaryotes. In comparison to microscope counting, the proportion of typical non-pigmented eukaryotes was over-estimated in the clone library, accounting for 43.2% of total clones (such over-representation of non-pigmented groups in 18S rRNA gene clone libraries has been discussed previously e.g.[50–52]). The diversity of these non-pigmented groups cannot be discriminated by classical microscopy due to a lack of distinct morphological features and/or their small size. However, from cloning-sequencing results, 11 different OTUs could be attributed to non-pigmented groups: Cercozoa (2 OTUs), Stramenopiles affiliated to Hyphochytrids (1 OTU), Syndiniales affiliated to Amoebophrya (2 OTUs), uncultured alveolates (4 OTUs), and Choanoflagellida (2 OTUs) (Figure 2 Additional file 2: Table S1).