While we have previously shown most that breast cancer factors also induce ERK1/2 phosphorylation act ing through TGFB dependent and independent mecha nisms, inhibition of MEK was not effective in preventing breast cancer factors induced osteoclastogenesis. Thus, activation of MEK/ERK signaling pathway exhib ited features unique to the osteoclastogenic effects of soluble factors produced by prostate cancer cells. Conclusions This study reveals the molecular mechanisms underlying the direct osteoclastogenic effect of prostate cancer de rived factors on osteoclast precursors. Although strong osteoclast targeting therapies, including bisphosphonates and RANKL targeting denosumab are already used to treat patients with bone metastases ori ginating from prostate cancer, drug resistance or intoler ance compels the continued search of new treatments.
Since both breast and prostate Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries cancer patients suffer from frequent bone metastases, it is important to understand Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries potential similarities and differences Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries in the interactions of breast and prostate cancer cells with bone microenvironment. We have found that many prostate cancer induced osteoclast signaling pathways were similar to those induced by breast cancer factors, supporting the notion that specific targeting of osteoclastogenic signaling can be effective to treat both breast and prostate cancer metastasis to bone, even if the mediators produced by these cancers are different. In addition, we have identified ERK1/2 as a unique target employed by prostate cancer cells to induce osteoclastogenesis.
Background Endometrial cancer is the fourth common carcinoma in women following cancer of breast, colon and lung and accounts Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries for 5. 6% of all malignancies. The diagnosis of endometrial cancer is typically made at postmeno pausal age and its 5 year survival ranges between 75 and Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries 83%. Some risk factors for the development of endometrial cancer have been described, though the exact mechanisms in tumourigenesis are by far not explained. A fast tumour progression is most likely favoured by local immunosuppression, which decreases the bodys own anti tumour immunoreactivity. Until today little is known about tumour induced, local immunosuppression in endometrial cancer. Glycodelin, also known progestagen associated endometrial protein, is a glycoprotein with immunosup pressive capacity, which is mainly produced in repro ductive tissue.
molarity calculator Four different isoforms have been described GdS, GdA, GdF und GdC. The isoforms share a common protein backbone but dif fer in glycosylation and biological activity. GdA holds several immunosuppressive abilities, which are best characterized in reproductive medicine. These include the suppression of lymphocyte proliferation and inhibition of T and B cell activity. Moreover, the induction of apoptosis via GdA has been investigated.