Diseases caused by these agents are distinct but have at least on

Diseases caused by these agents are distinct but have at least one very important common feature:

they are chronic slow progressing disorders [20]. As a consequence, laboratory animal experiments using these pathogens characteristically last for weeks and frequently months. Taking into account the long course of such experiments, the housing condition has a great impact on their welfare. The present study investigates whether environmental RAD001 research buy enrichment in the form of nesting material and/or shelter alters several of the most relevant immune parameters studied in mycobacterial infection experiments. Mice, animal housing and handling.  BALB/c female mice (6 weeks old) were purchased from Charles River, Barcelona, Spain. All mice were held in quarantine for 2 weeks in groups of six mice per cage in a specific pathogen-free animal house. Upon infection, at 8 weeks of age, mice were organized in groups of three animals per cage, housed in individually ventilated Makrolon type II cages (265 × 205 × 140 mm) in a biosafety level 2 animal facility. The trios were randomly allocated to one of the three different cage environments: (1) Standard (Fig. 1A) – regular corncob litter (Probiológica, Lisbon, Portugal) without accessories; (2) Furnished (Fig. 1B) – regular corncob litter, nesting material, a transparent red nest box (mouse igloo) and a wooden chew block (Datesand, Manchester, UK); (3) Unpredictable

– with enrichment material as in the Furnished cages but present only for certain unpredictable periods of time (during 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 days in an irregular fashion). Mice were always maintained under 12- h light cycle, with controlled temperature and humidity (temperature = 22 ± 2 °C; selleck kinase inhibitor relative humidity approximately 60%), given sterile chow (4RF25-GLP Mucedola, SRL) and autoclaved tap water ad libitum. Once a week, all animals were moved to clean cages. Routinely, during the experiments, the body weight was monitored and the superficial abdominal

body temperature was evaluated, after restraining the animal, using an infrared Dynein thermometer (±0.2 °C,Thermofocus mod 01500/N1 Technimed). The use of the enrichment items in all Furnished and Unpredictable cages was monitored twice a week by weighing the chew blocks and by observing whether the nesting material was shredded and a nest had been built. Experiments were conducted in accordance with national and European regulations for the care and handling of laboratory animals. Data shown are the result of two independent experiments; the first experiment was done with nine mice, and the second with six, for each experimental group for each time-point. It is our experience using standard housing conditions that groups of six BALB/c mice are sufficient to detect a minimum significant difference of 0.5 log colony-forming units (CFU)/organ. However, based on reports that environmental enrichment increases variability [10], we increased the group size to 9, in the first experiment.

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