LAB were grown in modified MRS supplied with the HMO components lactose, GlcNAc, fucose or glucose (approximately 20 g L−1) as sole carbohydrate sources at 37 °C for 24 h. OD595 nm was monitored in 4-h intervals using a Varioskan microplate reader (Thermo Scientific, Canada). Organic acids, alcohols and sugars concentrations after 24 h of this website fermentation were determined by HPLC with an Aminex HPX-87 column (300 mm × 7.8 mm, Bio-Rad) at a temperature of 70 °C and a flow rate of 0.4 mL min−1 with 5 mM H2SO4 as the eluent. Refractive index detector was used for detection. For sample preparation, 7.5% perchloric acid was added to the supernatants,
which were incubated at 4 °C overnight. Precipitated protein was removed by centrifugation. The concentrations
of lactose, glucose, galactose, N-acetylglucosamine, fucose, lactate, acetate and ethanol were determined using external standards. Acetate present in MRS was subtracted from the amount synthesized by the strains. Data were obtained from three independent experiments. Whole cell hydrolysis activity was tested at 37 °C using oNP-galactoside (oNPG), pNP-galactoside (pNPG) and pNP analogues pNP-mannoside (pNPM), pNP-glucoside (pNPGl), pNP-fucoside (pNPF), pNP-N-acetylglucosamide (pNPGlcNAc) and pNP-arabinoside (pNPara) as substrates (all obtained from Sigma, Oakville, Canada). Whole cells (5 μL) were mixed with 95 μL 2 mM oNPG or pNP analogues resuspended PLX3397 chemical structure in
PB. Hydrolysis kinetics were recorded in a Varioskan microplate reader at Edoxaban 420 nm. Specific activity (enzyme activity relative to amount of whole cells) was determined as: units hydrolysis activity=(ΔA420 nm) × (min−1 μL−1 whole cells). HMOs (2′-fucosyl-lactose, 3′-fucosyl-lactose, lacto-N-fucopentaose I, lacto-N-tetraose, 3′-sialyl-lactose, 6′-sialyl-lactose, 3′-sialyl-N-acetyl-lactosamine) were obtained from V-LABS (Covington) and resuspended at 2 mM in PB. GOS preparations and HMO (95 μL) were used as substrates for LAB whole cells (5 μL) and heterologously expressed β-galactosidases LacLM L. plantarum, LacLM L. mesenteroides subsp. cremoris and LacZ S. thermophilus (5 μL). GOS, lactose and HMO degradation after incubation at 37 °C for 1 h was monitored by HPAEC-PAD (Dionex ICS-300 system, CarbopacPA20 column). Water (A), 200 mM NaOH (B) and 1 M Na-acetate (C) were used as solvents at a flow rate of 0.25 mL min−1 with the following gradient: 0 min 15% B, 0.5% C, 20 min 15% B, 0.5% C, 30 min 50% B, 0.5% C, 40 min 50% B, 0.5% C, 45 min 50% B, 20% C, 47 min 50% B, 20% C, followed by washing and regeneration. GOS and lactose degradation was indicated by the release of glucose and galactose; HMO degradation was indicated by the release of mono- or disaccharides; N-acetylglucosamine, galactose, glucose and lactose were used as external standards. Enriched GOS preparations synthesized using LacZ of S.